Monday, October 12, 2009


“God is not the Creator, claims academic

The notion of God as the Creator is wrong, claims a top academic, who believes the Bible has been wrongly translated for thousands of years.”

…fascinating! I did not have time to read all the hundreds of ‘pro and con’ comments this article insirped in thousdands of readers… Maybe this is the secret of over night ‘recognition’ and ‘circulation’ and ‘instant fame’… start writing and talking about GOD… or sex.

A lot of crazy people take these allagories very seriously… enough to strap on bombs and assassinate non subscribers to their peticular myth because their mythical god ‘told’ them to… and because they’re a ‘martyr’ everything will be just peachy when they get to their ‘heaven.’ …you read about them in the news everyday.

Where does compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love, …and other ‘God’ like behavior enter the picture? …It’s all just more of the ‘us and them’ …and ‘I’ll break your head if you don’t shape up!’ mentallity …that does seem to prevail throughout the known world …for thousands of years now.

My opinion of creation? …I don’t know, I wasn’t there …and if it is all just recycling and reincarnation …I still get nothing, I just don’t remember.

I do know from reading what little of recorded history there is… that when the planet Uranus is in the sign of Pisces (every 84 years) there is some ‘shocking’ shake up in religions (ruled by Pisces) and when (every 165 years) Neptune is in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) there are religious (Neptune) fanatics (Uranus) blowing up and or torturing the non believers of whatever ‘god’ their ‘inspired’ writers dreamed up…

…anyone can be an inspired writer… like Bob Kane who created BATMAN in the 1940’s… and today upon release of yet another sequel to the tale… millions of worshipers plunk down $10 or more and fill the theatre/church seats/pews… and stuff their face with popcorn/wafers… and whorship in awe at the special effects…

…some say it’s all just a hologram illusion that we’re living… and sometimes I really hope it is. Maybe somebody will turn off the projector some day and we can all get down to whatever reality really is.

…why should a drop of water feel guilty and responsible for the tsunami or the flood? …they were just going with the flow.

…just some thoughts during these crazy times.

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

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