“Oprah to sit down on show with Sarah Palin”
Even her book… GOING ROUGE… is a keyword statement of this on going Uranus and Neptune mutual reception… Uranus in Pisces ruled by Neptune… and Neptune in Aquarius ruled by Uranus… that’s been going on since January 2004…
…and she has been and still is a Rouge (Uranus) …in Politics (Neptune)… as if in some bizarre way… these forces have chosen her to flow through… as if maybe she’s one of their archetype human representatives…
…and yet, as I have often written about …I too experience something just flowing through me sometimes …as my fingers dance around the keyboard and words fly across the monitor… and I’m just going along for the ride…
…something has chosen me to be the gadfly in everybody’s ointment… the astrologer joker that laughs… and points out the hypocrisy of the left, middle, right, and me, and all of us… trying to be …‘still in it… but not really of it’ …yeah, all of that in one aspect …natal Jupiter square to natal Uranus …the ‘wiseacre’ …it’s just the way I’m astrologically wired.
…and Sarah follows her aspects as well …forceful, religious zealot, fanatic, corrupt politician, and manipulative con-woman… and she’s got the astrological wiring for it…
…so here we are …me and Sarah …with different aspects flowing through us …writing our different views as seen from our individual realities …and now she’s made the ‘Big Time’
When our Media Queen Oprah… books you for an audience with her… that makes you officially a ‘celebrity’ in our icon culture… and you can use the spot to sell a lot of your books… weight loss program, be free of something, better sex… whatever… you go, Girl!
…so… Sarah gets a lot more circulation and money than I do… Nonetheless, I’m going to stick with my views… It’s interesting to observe that both of us are playing the parts we’re astrologically wired for… but is it free will choice?… or something bigger? …just some meditative questions
…like a shrink once said to me, “as long as you’re asking questions you’re okay… but if you start answering all your own questions… then you might have an issue… that maybe we should talk about…”
This event is scheduled for November 16th. Watch for another article on this… I plan to present a horary event chart for that date… and a synastry chart of Oprah and Sarah… and see if we can predict how this interview will go… just for the fun of it…
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