…it’s the eyes …they draw you in …she probably has natal Venus in Scorpio …or Scorpio on the ascendant …no accurate date or time of birth yet, just the location in Ethiopia …She has a haunting seductive charisma …you may forget her name over the years …but you’ll always remember her eyes.
“Fossils radically alter ideas about the look of man's earliest ancestors”
'Ardi' Skeleton Sheds Light on Origin of Human Species”… and yet some still believe it all started in a garden 6000 years ago… since our brains have grown bigger …we’ve certainly picked up some odd notions about ourselves over the past 4.4 million years …we may even go back to the trees when the housing market tanks again as the second wave of variable rate mortgages comes due within the next year or so…
What I find fascinating is the on going ‘mutual reception’ influence of Uranus and Neptune… that I’ve mentioned and written about often of late… We keep witnessing the negative side with the scandal, fraud, pollution, plotting, assassinations, bombings, foul weather, etc…
…yet on the positive side some amazing, and bizarre (Neptune) discoveries and revelations (Uranus) are also being made… like last month with the story of the discovery of a lost valley in Papua New Guinea with fanged frogs, small bear sized rats, and a kangaroo that lives in trees… and now Ardi’s bones.
…and lately bone analysis reveals the alleged skull fragment of Hitler …was probably from someone else’s skull …maybe he was in Brazil …for all this time?
…interesting times, indeed…
P.S. ..okay, dear reader... I confess... yes, I knew the lady in a past life... we met at a little sidewalk bistro in Addissa Bebba - westend, Ethiopia... I ordered an expresso and she was sipping a latte... and our eyes met... what can I say? ...two strangers in town ...'like two ships passing in the night' ...I will always remember her eyes ...pour us another shot, Rick ...and play it again, Sam... 'As Time Goes By'...
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