The ‘American way of life’ these people are so paranoid about losing… is long gone… and most of it never really was… it was just a movie shot on studio lots here in Los Angeles… local canyons, beaches, and surrounding Mohave Desert locations since the early 1900’s… These movies, besides creating jobs in California over the decades… also created their icons… like John Wayne… and Ronald Reagan… the reality?... they were actors… it’s all literally an illusion…
The mythic John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara characters struggle against all odds in the wilderness… taming the west… manifest destiny… etc. …it was all just a movie… I know this ‘show biz’ industry reality… I’ve worked in some of these illusions as an actor in my youth… and now as a post production technician in my senior years…
Now… here’s the real deal about some of the U.S. of A. history…
In reality businessmen, many of whom were also slave owners… who didn’t want to pay taxes to England… revolted and started a new country in 1776… after their successful revolt… they proceeded with brutal genocide and containment polices toward the American Natives… and built most of the country with slave labor… to include the White House…
They doubled the size of the country with a ‘bailout’ real estate purchase in 1803 of The Louisiana Territory from financially strapped Napoleon… they supported the Texan’s revolt against Mexico in 1835… then annexed them in 1846… and used them as an excuse for the ‘land grab’ Mexican-American war of 1846-48’… which then expanded the nation to the Pacific coast.
Another great real estate deal was made by buying Alaska from Russia in 1867… and after various wars… they left significant military bases built and occupied with military forces… on up to the present… in Germany, Japan, Korea, Cuba, The Philippines, and here and there… and currently are involved in two wars in the Middle East… which have been going now for almost a decade…
Google this stuff… and do some reading… it’s all there… I wouldn’t lie to you, dear reader… while some of the USA history is bad… the histories of other nation empires… Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, Soviet Union, Mao’s Red China, North Korea, etc.… have been as bad and often far worse…
…and world wide it’s all been corrupt since day one! Yet, these deluded folks worship this mythic red, white, and blue propaganda… that Glenn Beck cries over… when we all need to wake up to reality… and start making more responsible adult decisions that benefit all… world wide… or the planet simply goes bust from all this greedy madness… and war…
…we have this on going Uranus Neptune mutual reception influence and we have witnessed the exposing of all manner of fraud, scandal, corruption, lies, deceit, assassination, etc… the negative side…
How about the positive side?
Uranus (discovery, invention, inspiration) is showing us strange new worlds (Neptune) with fanged frogs, remains of a 4.4 Million BCE humanoid, exoplanets… multiple dimension theory and explorations…
There is now a genuine spiritual (Neptune) awakening (Uranus) in some… as they strive in a more world conscious manner… to establish a sane, caring, loving, and self supportive world community…
We International bloggers are all part of this awakening… as we communicate and share views of our wondrous world… as strange and tragic as it may be at times…
It’s all a matter of free will choice… so …what do we choose to do?
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…