Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
...not the best time for the Yemen tour vacation... Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Many mundane astrologers, including myself… have predicted the arrival of fantastic new inventions heralded by the continuing… by orb allowance… and due for one more exact conjunction this coming January 6th 2011… of Jupiter and Uranus.
Perhaps a simple cheap herbal cure for Cancer? …finally free energy from re-discovered and long suppressed Nikola Tesla theories? …or maybe a miracle food that cheaply feeds the world?
…but, no …not yet…
But… there are some really nifty new ways of blowing each other to pieces… The US Army has already distributed this new weapon to some units now in combat… for real live combat testing… The soldier aims this new rifle grenade weapon… the weapon’s laser directed sites determine the range of the target… and the soldier can adjust the round to go just past the wall you’re hiding behind and then explode over your head… or to simply go through the wall… and if you run before then… it automatically adjusts the range on a moving target… To put it simply… you can’t hide from it… or run away from it.
“New Smart Weapon Being Tested in Afghan Theater”

…and a new and improved sniper rifle,
“Snipers Will Soon Shoot Taliban Three Quarters of a Mile Away”

…and that’s if the US Navy hasn’t already blown you up with their new magnetic cannon …that can fire a slug the size of car at mach 7… and with their laser sites …put it in your hip pocket from 100 miles away.
“Navy's Mach 7 gun can kill from 100 miles away”

…and you can bet other countries are busy making their own versions and or copies… like the Chinese copying, manufacturing, and selling Russian MIGs …spooky stuff, huh…
And the aspects fit… Jupiter (big guns) conjunct Uranus (new, inventions, technology, ‘smart’ weapons) and influencing these weapon inventions is the conjunct of Mars (war) and Pluto (catastrophic war)… that is exact this Monday the 13th…
…check your kits…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Perhaps a simple cheap herbal cure for Cancer? …finally free energy from re-discovered and long suppressed Nikola Tesla theories? …or maybe a miracle food that cheaply feeds the world?
…but, no …not yet…
But… there are some really nifty new ways of blowing each other to pieces… The US Army has already distributed this new weapon to some units now in combat… for real live combat testing… The soldier aims this new rifle grenade weapon… the weapon’s laser directed sites determine the range of the target… and the soldier can adjust the round to go just past the wall you’re hiding behind and then explode over your head… or to simply go through the wall… and if you run before then… it automatically adjusts the range on a moving target… To put it simply… you can’t hide from it… or run away from it.
“New Smart Weapon Being Tested in Afghan Theater”

…and a new and improved sniper rifle,
“Snipers Will Soon Shoot Taliban Three Quarters of a Mile Away”

…and that’s if the US Navy hasn’t already blown you up with their new magnetic cannon …that can fire a slug the size of car at mach 7… and with their laser sites …put it in your hip pocket from 100 miles away.
“Navy's Mach 7 gun can kill from 100 miles away”

…and you can bet other countries are busy making their own versions and or copies… like the Chinese copying, manufacturing, and selling Russian MIGs …spooky stuff, huh…
And the aspects fit… Jupiter (big guns) conjunct Uranus (new, inventions, technology, ‘smart’ weapons) and influencing these weapon inventions is the conjunct of Mars (war) and Pluto (catastrophic war)… that is exact this Monday the 13th…
…check your kits…
…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…
Friday, December 10, 2010
12/9/10 ABC News, “Wikileaks: Stop Us? You’ll Have to Shut Down the Web?”
No violence… no bombs… no bullets… yet the government and corporate powers that continue to perpetrate these illegal and corrupt wars for profit and control… have experienced the first cyber volley of fire. And it hit them where they will pay attention… their money… and their corrupt credit empire. In just a few hours… the unknown legion of ‘Hacktivists’ shut down Mastercard, Visa, Amazon, a government site… and Sarah Palin.
They’re organized and with leaders, a recent quote about they’re mission, “In an online letter, Anonymous, a loose-knit group, said its activists were neither vigilantes nor terrorists. It added: "The goal is simple: Win the right to keep the Internet free of any control from any entity, corporation, or government."
The rebellious are saying, ‘…you can lie to me …swindle my tax money …tap my phone …snoop my email …watch me day and night with surveillance cameras …keep secret files on me …scan, radiate, and molest me at the airport …but enough is enough! YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY MY WORDS!’
A few… nonviolent cyber warriors have hit the Government, Banker, Corporate Giants with cyber rocks …and have given them a few hours of computer headaches. The pendulum swings the other way… perhaps a small elite force of hackers… will bring down the small secret elite group that has been trying to control the world for centuries now?
And more and more are rebelling against that elite… the rioting students attacked the Rolls Royce of Prince Charles and Camilla… why? …their already expensive school tuitions are going to triple… and their government still wastes millions every year lavishly supporting this meaningless royalty… whose family, sex, and relationship scandals show them to be just ordinary… but very rich… human beings… why? …because of some ancient legend, of a guy named Arthur, who pulled a stuck sword out of a rock?!?

As the rebellious and revolutionary Uranus transits into Aries in March of 2011… this could be known as the ‘…first shot heard round the world.’ …of a sudden worldwide uprising …and or a true shift in consciousness for all of us …we shall see.
…and this could be a historic mundane astrology event chart …thus, I shall post it again …for those dear readers, like myself …who enjoy book marking such items,

This cyber war will get bigger… as all wars do. This time the battle cry is… transparency and truth! Those who fear the truth are those who have something to hide… and they reveal themselves in such ordinary and common behavior… such as demanding the immediate imprisonment… even execution… and or assassination… of Julian Assange.
It’s much bigger than one individual… already there is division in his ranks and rival leak sites are being developed by those who have left him… it’s thousands of world citizens crying out… STOP THE LIES!
For instance, could this be true? …mercenaries may be responsible for many ‘terrorist’ bombings?

“Karzai: Blackwater behind terrorism”
Yes, that reference is from an Iranian source… the question is which sources are true? In following world news to update the CONFIRMATIONS YouTube show of my predictions feature of November 28th for the week around December 13th… I’ve been on my computer search engine throughout the world… and you find different stories… different points of view… and you find that, yes… your local news is a bit controlled… Did CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or Reuters… make a big story about the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on December 9th?
No… the big story in the west was Charlie and Camilla getting bounced around in their car in London by student rioters.
If someone suddenly bombed your neighborhood… that’s a big story in your local media… and if Iran is your neighbor… they will report it… journalists are journalists… that’s what they do… write, report about events, and take pictures.
People around the world are waking up to their… ‘power’ …and most honest sane people want peace… and now they know… a few thousand of them …and perhaps tens of thousands soon …with a few strokes on their computer keypads …and ZAP! …the minority ‘elite’ world …and their lies …are exposed. …I recollect the old proverb… “The pen… is mightier than the sword.”
“…be it a poison pen …or a truthful one,” …I said that part.
No violence… no bombs… no bullets… yet the government and corporate powers that continue to perpetrate these illegal and corrupt wars for profit and control… have experienced the first cyber volley of fire. And it hit them where they will pay attention… their money… and their corrupt credit empire. In just a few hours… the unknown legion of ‘Hacktivists’ shut down Mastercard, Visa, Amazon, a government site… and Sarah Palin.
They’re organized and with leaders, a recent quote about they’re mission, “In an online letter, Anonymous, a loose-knit group, said its activists were neither vigilantes nor terrorists. It added: "The goal is simple: Win the right to keep the Internet free of any control from any entity, corporation, or government."
The rebellious are saying, ‘…you can lie to me …swindle my tax money …tap my phone …snoop my email …watch me day and night with surveillance cameras …keep secret files on me …scan, radiate, and molest me at the airport …but enough is enough! YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY MY WORDS!’
A few… nonviolent cyber warriors have hit the Government, Banker, Corporate Giants with cyber rocks …and have given them a few hours of computer headaches. The pendulum swings the other way… perhaps a small elite force of hackers… will bring down the small secret elite group that has been trying to control the world for centuries now?
And more and more are rebelling against that elite… the rioting students attacked the Rolls Royce of Prince Charles and Camilla… why? …their already expensive school tuitions are going to triple… and their government still wastes millions every year lavishly supporting this meaningless royalty… whose family, sex, and relationship scandals show them to be just ordinary… but very rich… human beings… why? …because of some ancient legend, of a guy named Arthur, who pulled a stuck sword out of a rock?!?

As the rebellious and revolutionary Uranus transits into Aries in March of 2011… this could be known as the ‘…first shot heard round the world.’ …of a sudden worldwide uprising …and or a true shift in consciousness for all of us …we shall see.
…and this could be a historic mundane astrology event chart …thus, I shall post it again …for those dear readers, like myself …who enjoy book marking such items,

This cyber war will get bigger… as all wars do. This time the battle cry is… transparency and truth! Those who fear the truth are those who have something to hide… and they reveal themselves in such ordinary and common behavior… such as demanding the immediate imprisonment… even execution… and or assassination… of Julian Assange.
It’s much bigger than one individual… already there is division in his ranks and rival leak sites are being developed by those who have left him… it’s thousands of world citizens crying out… STOP THE LIES!
For instance, could this be true? …mercenaries may be responsible for many ‘terrorist’ bombings?

“Karzai: Blackwater behind terrorism”
Yes, that reference is from an Iranian source… the question is which sources are true? In following world news to update the CONFIRMATIONS YouTube show of my predictions feature of November 28th for the week around December 13th… I’ve been on my computer search engine throughout the world… and you find different stories… different points of view… and you find that, yes… your local news is a bit controlled… Did CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or Reuters… make a big story about the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on December 9th?
No… the big story in the west was Charlie and Camilla getting bounced around in their car in London by student rioters.
If someone suddenly bombed your neighborhood… that’s a big story in your local media… and if Iran is your neighbor… they will report it… journalists are journalists… that’s what they do… write, report about events, and take pictures.
People around the world are waking up to their… ‘power’ …and most honest sane people want peace… and now they know… a few thousand of them …and perhaps tens of thousands soon …with a few strokes on their computer keypads …and ZAP! …the minority ‘elite’ world …and their lies …are exposed. …I recollect the old proverb… “The pen… is mightier than the sword.”
“…be it a poison pen …or a truthful one,” …I said that part.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Now Uranus ruled computers... join in the world wide revolution...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Everything hit except the tsunami... surprised even me! Enjoy!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The tensions build as the aspects tighten... another artillery attack... and again we see as the Moon transits opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto... it seems to 'trigger' the event... as I said on the 1st, this is not a good time to play 'war games'
"South Korea fired on by North Korea"
"South Korea fired on by North Korea"
As predicted 2010 has certainly been an eventful year of conflict, terrorists, weather extremes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis, the biggest oil spill in history, wide swings in the stock markets, further worldwide financial quagmire, major electoral shifts in the elections… much of it predicted here… and by many other mundane astrologers as… or more… proficient than me.
We have more yet to come in December… which may send the year out with a bang… big and dangerous ones. Once again we have very stressful conjunctions, tied into stressful T-Square formations… and an Eclipse to put an exclamation mark on the end of this volatile year! Once again these forces are starting to manifest early… as the transiting conjunctions and squares begin to form. Thus, I have begun the release of my slide show YouTube prediction features early… so as not to waste a month of work predicting things that have already happened before I post them… an example being the North Koreans shelling of a South Korean island on the 23rd of this past November.
Due to a standard orb allowance of 8-10 degrees in transits, it is often very difficult to narrow events down to specific days… as a rule of thumb allow 3 to 4 days either way from a prediction date. What is an orb allowance?... and why? When you hear an airplane flying overhead… you begin to hear it perhaps a mile away from you… as it gets closer the engine noise is louder… and at its loudest when it flies directly over you… and you continue to hear it until it is perhaps a mile away. That’s the principal of orb allowance… the influence (airplane sound, or planet vibration) begins up to 10 degrees before the exact aspect… and is the strongest as it makes the exact aspect… and then may still have an influence for a few degrees and days afterward.
That is the mundane astrologer’s dilemma this month. These transiting stressful aspects stay within orb allowance throughout the entire month… the orb allowance of one set of aspects bleeds into the next… and there may be a lot of bleeding… literally… this month. The recent North Korean artillery shelling of a South Korean island is an example… the exact mundane astrology aspects for that type of event would be December 3rd, 13th, and the 21st …which are the key stressful dates that I have charted in detail and have based my slide show presentations on.
I don’t mean to sound like an angry movie director who is barking at the N. Koreans for not beginning their artillery shelling on queue… before I say, “action” …but in a way that is what is happening… these aspects are potent enough to begin early.
My YouTube slide shows are titled “DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS”… and the first troublesome aspect, which may be already manifesting in Korea, occurs December 3rd… as transiting Mars makes an exact square to Uranus … and is applying toward a conjunction with Pluto… potentially a very explosive mix!
This Mundane Astrology Feature may be viewed at
Ironically… perhaps an even bigger paper bomb exploded the next day… a bunker buster of a quarter of million secret government and diplomatic cables and documents was dropped on the media… and is stirring up some angst among world leader types… it seems nobody likes Iran… and the Saudis have been nagging us to bomb Iran for years… How about this? We pull all US and NATO forces out of the Middle East and you folks in the Middle East do your own bombing of each other… we have certainly sold you enough weapons for you to do that… and you can buy more from China, Germany, North Korea, Russia… a host of others …or just about any local freelance black market weapons dealer…
All in all… in my opinion… it’s a rotten barrel of lies… that world leaders and their banker backers have been duping the world with for more than a couple of centuries now… eventually, the truth of 9/11 will out… by leak… independent sleuthing by legions of truth seekers… or perhaps a death bed confession… from one who’s conscience has awakened… and that is the world’s ‘secret’ government’s biggest fear…
I’ll close with a post-production update of a future slide chart of the transits of the 3rd and the possibilities, the blue lines are a positive influence… very probable attempts at negotiations… and if they fail and the energy goes to the negative expression… then the easy trines and sextiles… just makes it all ‘easy’ to happen… Some of the world’s most famous criminals have a ‘Grand Trine,’ in their natal chart… and they are talented and ‘lucky’… and they get away with it… it’s all a matter of how one chooses to use the energy… what do we chose to do… here and now?
Besides all the wacko political and military stress… there will more than likely be some more severe weather and storms, and with squares like these very possible earthquakes in the 5+ magnitudes and higher, and perhaps more volcano activity… with attendant tsunamis if occurring near or in the oceans on and around these stressful transit dates of the 3rd, 13th, and 21st.
As always, dear reader … I wish for the peace and love of the cosmos to be with you… nonetheless, check your kits… this may be a very volatile month.
We have more yet to come in December… which may send the year out with a bang… big and dangerous ones. Once again we have very stressful conjunctions, tied into stressful T-Square formations… and an Eclipse to put an exclamation mark on the end of this volatile year! Once again these forces are starting to manifest early… as the transiting conjunctions and squares begin to form. Thus, I have begun the release of my slide show YouTube prediction features early… so as not to waste a month of work predicting things that have already happened before I post them… an example being the North Koreans shelling of a South Korean island on the 23rd of this past November.
Due to a standard orb allowance of 8-10 degrees in transits, it is often very difficult to narrow events down to specific days… as a rule of thumb allow 3 to 4 days either way from a prediction date. What is an orb allowance?... and why? When you hear an airplane flying overhead… you begin to hear it perhaps a mile away from you… as it gets closer the engine noise is louder… and at its loudest when it flies directly over you… and you continue to hear it until it is perhaps a mile away. That’s the principal of orb allowance… the influence (airplane sound, or planet vibration) begins up to 10 degrees before the exact aspect… and is the strongest as it makes the exact aspect… and then may still have an influence for a few degrees and days afterward.
That is the mundane astrologer’s dilemma this month. These transiting stressful aspects stay within orb allowance throughout the entire month… the orb allowance of one set of aspects bleeds into the next… and there may be a lot of bleeding… literally… this month. The recent North Korean artillery shelling of a South Korean island is an example… the exact mundane astrology aspects for that type of event would be December 3rd, 13th, and the 21st …which are the key stressful dates that I have charted in detail and have based my slide show presentations on.
I don’t mean to sound like an angry movie director who is barking at the N. Koreans for not beginning their artillery shelling on queue… before I say, “action” …but in a way that is what is happening… these aspects are potent enough to begin early.
My YouTube slide shows are titled “DANGEROUS DECEMBER DAYS”… and the first troublesome aspect, which may be already manifesting in Korea, occurs December 3rd… as transiting Mars makes an exact square to Uranus … and is applying toward a conjunction with Pluto… potentially a very explosive mix!
This Mundane Astrology Feature may be viewed at
Ironically… perhaps an even bigger paper bomb exploded the next day… a bunker buster of a quarter of million secret government and diplomatic cables and documents was dropped on the media… and is stirring up some angst among world leader types… it seems nobody likes Iran… and the Saudis have been nagging us to bomb Iran for years… How about this? We pull all US and NATO forces out of the Middle East and you folks in the Middle East do your own bombing of each other… we have certainly sold you enough weapons for you to do that… and you can buy more from China, Germany, North Korea, Russia… a host of others …or just about any local freelance black market weapons dealer…
All in all… in my opinion… it’s a rotten barrel of lies… that world leaders and their banker backers have been duping the world with for more than a couple of centuries now… eventually, the truth of 9/11 will out… by leak… independent sleuthing by legions of truth seekers… or perhaps a death bed confession… from one who’s conscience has awakened… and that is the world’s ‘secret’ government’s biggest fear…
I’ll close with a post-production update of a future slide chart of the transits of the 3rd and the possibilities, the blue lines are a positive influence… very probable attempts at negotiations… and if they fail and the energy goes to the negative expression… then the easy trines and sextiles… just makes it all ‘easy’ to happen… Some of the world’s most famous criminals have a ‘Grand Trine,’ in their natal chart… and they are talented and ‘lucky’… and they get away with it… it’s all a matter of how one chooses to use the energy… what do we chose to do… here and now?
Besides all the wacko political and military stress… there will more than likely be some more severe weather and storms, and with squares like these very possible earthquakes in the 5+ magnitudes and higher, and perhaps more volcano activity… with attendant tsunamis if occurring near or in the oceans on and around these stressful transit dates of the 3rd, 13th, and 21st.
As always, dear reader … I wish for the peace and love of the cosmos to be with you… nonetheless, check your kits… this may be a very volatile month.

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