I am going to call this month, ‘The August of anger, angst, and anxiety’ Transiting Mars conjuncts with the problematic ‘T-Bar’ we’ve been dealing with these past few months. On the 3rd Mars squares Pluto exact, this is a very violent aspect, war, mayhem, etc. …there is a close (more tension) New Moon alignment the 10th… what astrologer, Richard Nolle, has termed a “Super Moon” …and on the 16th transiting Mars conjunct with Saturn exact at 2 degrees of Libra… and they both square by a tight 1 degree orb to Pluto at 3 degrees of Capricorn… and the 21st the transiting Saturn square to Pluto is exact.
With a standard 6 degree orb of influence applied… with the Sun moving 1 degree per day and the Moon 10-12 degrees per day… that strings the influence of the past 26th of July stress date… into the stretching of each aspect of the 3rd, 10th, 16th, and 21st into a month long period of stressful conjuncts, squares and oppositions… and during the last week of the month the exact formation of the infamous Saturn square to Pluto… an aspect that has brought down administrations, markets, and even nations in the past.
These major aspects occur in the Fire sign of Aries (Mars ruled, force, war, explosions, violence)… with Jupiter (expansive) at 2-3 degrees of Aries conjunct to Uranus (sudden, explosions, crashes, revolution) at 0 degree of Aries. The other conjunct pair in opposition is Mars conjunct to Saturn(can violent, cruel, harsh) at 2-3 degrees of Libra (Venus ruled, social, partners, allies) …and then all four of those planets are in square (obstacles, problems, stress) to Pluto (catastrophic events) at 3 degrees of Capricorn (Saturn ruled, establishment, foundations, government, authorities, harsh, cruel, restrictive, karma, etc).
Neptune, which rules oil, gas, all liquids, oceans… and also rules lies, deception, scandal, disinformation, assassination plots, etc… is in the late degrees of Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus… and thus ties it into the mix with Uranus on the Aries side of the “T-Bar’… and Neptune makes Inconjunct aspects with Mars and the Sun throughout this period.
Doing our keyword shuffles… we see the possibilities… more terror, bombing, perhaps a new war front, border clashes… accidents aplenty… with Earth and Fire, very possible and significant volcano and earthquake activity… with Air, hurricanes, airplane crashes, stock market slides… and with Neptune, floods, oil, spills, typhoons, tsunami… and each major transit aspect blending with the next… thus yet another, month of anger, angst, and anxiety.
The first dangerous day… this coming Wednesday;

[click chart for detail]
There can be some fun …there is also a continuing Venus-Mars conjunct which can be a relief value on the close and personal side… providing some hot passionate influence… and with the right significant other… there can be lusting and some hot passionate sex… but try to be loving with it… it can also be an aspect of ‘crimes of passion’… and or with Uranus in the mix it can be a sudden attraction that also ends suddenly… like when one or the other… gives the other cab fare home afterwords.
…check you kits …and the expiration date on the condoms …and re-supply if necessary.
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