I now include them into my research on the ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’ aspect… which is two or more planets that are in a 60 degree sextile at its base and then those two points forming a 150 degree Inconjunct to a third focal planet or group… which is the point of the arrowhead shaped formation. By selecting the option for the astrology chart computer program to indicate aspects to all points… including Lilith and Black Moon Lilith… we can clearly see it, the green pointer shape.

[click chart for detail]
The sextile base of the formation is formed by Lilith and Black Moon Lilith that are conjunct (which is also rather rare and in my opinion significant) at 3 degrees of Pisces that sextiles Pluto at 3 degrees of Capricorn… and both points are Inconjunct to the focal point… the Sun at 3 degrees of Leo (ruled by the Sun)… thus, an exact and a powerful aspect… and a very possible great catastrophe (Pluto)… with calamity and treachery behind it (Lilith and Black Moon Lilith) focused upon the Sun (authority, heads of state, leaders, etc). Something big and bad… and some big lies and disinformation about it… are quite possible around this time.
As we have seen over the months… this “Yod” formation is often a powerful indicator of something significant happening at that time… with the Full Moon at the time being the ‘trigger’ that sets it off.
Dear Reader, have your cell phone with on board camera… fully charged for the next few weeks… you are the ‘hope’ for truth. It’s getting more and more difficult for the powers that be to get away with their clandestine schemes and setups that effects the lives of us all everywhere on the planet.
Millions of ordinary citizens all over the planet have cell phones with cameras now… and the marvelous young people have the tech savvy and speed to upload pictures and videos of whatever their local reality is… to YouTube.com faster than Google can ban and take them down… They can be a positive constructive force for truth… represented by Uranus (electronics, communication, and rebels)… at 0 degrees of Aries (youth, warriors)… The cell phone camera may be the passive resistance weapon that brings down tyranny… with pictures of the TRUTH
…dangerous times now …check you kits …and charge your batteries.
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