There are usual bombings, crashes, and anger manifesting through the on going stressful alignments… especially with Mars conjunct Saturn.
The Mars opposition to Uranus will bring hazards and accident through aircraft ruled by Uranus,
“152 presumed dead in Pakistani plane crash”
…and of course bombings,
“Bus hits roadside bomb, killing 25 in Afghanistan”
…and fires,
“Wildfires spark state of emergency in California county”
…and Neptune is still in the mix with mutual reception with Uranus and Uranus is in Mars ruled Aries… which equates to poison with foul intent,
“Wikileaks confirmed: A plan to kill American geologist with poison beer”
…and more oil spills continue,
“New BP chief; 2 new oil spills”
…and with corruption staring the world in the face …billions more of your borrowed tax money is thrown down this sink hole of madness… I didn’t vote for this, did you?
“WikiLeaks controversy hovers, but House passes war funding bill”
Perhaps a decade or so late… but a glimmer of hope for the future… and about time,
“California launches massive wind farm”
If the trillions wasted in the 10 years of illegal wars… had been spent developing alternate energy and fuels… there wouldn’t be any need for the oil… or its disasters.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
In the mundane astrology chart I posted about the Delhi Dam in Iowa breaking apart… the basic aspects are almost identical to the mundane chart of the music and dance festival in Germany where on the same day 19 people died in a crowd panic and stampede… in a park tunnel… and both dams and tunnels are ruled by… Saturn… and both charts have the same stressful aspects… and one tragedy was a flood of water… and the other was a flood of people.
…so far the war games around Korea are without incident from either the North or the South Koreans… or US… and the volcanoes aren’t acting up. Will it stay that way?
…we shall see…
However, the warning about the ‘Yod’ and Full Moon today… has certainly come to pass with what I call the ‘quiet bomb’… that has revealed over 90,000 classified documents concerning the Afghan war… The ‘Yod’ indicated corruption and criminal acts (Pluto), lies and treachery (Black Moon Lilith) at the base… and all pointing to the Sun (authorities, governments, heads of state)… including information that links the corrupt Pakistan government and the enemy...
“…leaked military documents suggested Pakistan’s main intelligence agency secretly aided the Taliban and others the U.S is trying to defeat.”
In my opinion… these leaked documents are as important and significant as when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the “Pentagon Papers” in 1971… that was a big part of the public finally realizing the truth… and finally forcing an end to the decade long Vietnam war… which the military and politicians knew they couldn’t win.
…so far the war games around Korea are without incident from either the North or the South Koreans… or US… and the volcanoes aren’t acting up. Will it stay that way?
…we shall see…
However, the warning about the ‘Yod’ and Full Moon today… has certainly come to pass with what I call the ‘quiet bomb’… that has revealed over 90,000 classified documents concerning the Afghan war… The ‘Yod’ indicated corruption and criminal acts (Pluto), lies and treachery (Black Moon Lilith) at the base… and all pointing to the Sun (authorities, governments, heads of state)… including information that links the corrupt Pakistan government and the enemy...
“…leaked military documents suggested Pakistan’s main intelligence agency secretly aided the Taliban and others the U.S is trying to defeat.”
In my opinion… these leaked documents are as important and significant as when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the “Pentagon Papers” in 1971… that was a big part of the public finally realizing the truth… and finally forcing an end to the decade long Vietnam war… which the military and politicians knew they couldn’t win.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am going out on a limb here… and using the hypothetical and mathematical points of Lilith (rules calamity)… and ‘Black Moon Lilith’ (rules treachery). They don’t show up in most aspect computations because they are not planets… but hypothetical points. Few astrologers use these points because of a lack of research data on them… and I’m working on that. Yet these points have revealed ‘calamity’ and ‘treachery’ in many past mundane horoscopes of historic events.
I now include them into my research on the ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’ aspect… which is two or more planets that are in a 60 degree sextile at its base and then those two points forming a 150 degree Inconjunct to a third focal planet or group… which is the point of the arrowhead shaped formation. By selecting the option for the astrology chart computer program to indicate aspects to all points… including Lilith and Black Moon Lilith… we can clearly see it, the green pointer shape.

[click chart for detail]
The sextile base of the formation is formed by Lilith and Black Moon Lilith that are conjunct (which is also rather rare and in my opinion significant) at 3 degrees of Pisces that sextiles Pluto at 3 degrees of Capricorn… and both points are Inconjunct to the focal point… the Sun at 3 degrees of Leo (ruled by the Sun)… thus, an exact and a powerful aspect… and a very possible great catastrophe (Pluto)… with calamity and treachery behind it (Lilith and Black Moon Lilith) focused upon the Sun (authority, heads of state, leaders, etc). Something big and bad… and some big lies and disinformation about it… are quite possible around this time.
As we have seen over the months… this “Yod” formation is often a powerful indicator of something significant happening at that time… with the Full Moon at the time being the ‘trigger’ that sets it off.
Dear Reader, have your cell phone with on board camera… fully charged for the next few weeks… you are the ‘hope’ for truth. It’s getting more and more difficult for the powers that be to get away with their clandestine schemes and setups that effects the lives of us all everywhere on the planet.
Millions of ordinary citizens all over the planet have cell phones with cameras now… and the marvelous young people have the tech savvy and speed to upload pictures and videos of whatever their local reality is… to faster than Google can ban and take them down… They can be a positive constructive force for truth… represented by Uranus (electronics, communication, and rebels)… at 0 degrees of Aries (youth, warriors)… The cell phone camera may be the passive resistance weapon that brings down tyranny… with pictures of the TRUTH
…dangerous times now …check you kits …and charge your batteries.
I now include them into my research on the ‘Yod’ or ‘Finger of God’ aspect… which is two or more planets that are in a 60 degree sextile at its base and then those two points forming a 150 degree Inconjunct to a third focal planet or group… which is the point of the arrowhead shaped formation. By selecting the option for the astrology chart computer program to indicate aspects to all points… including Lilith and Black Moon Lilith… we can clearly see it, the green pointer shape.

[click chart for detail]
The sextile base of the formation is formed by Lilith and Black Moon Lilith that are conjunct (which is also rather rare and in my opinion significant) at 3 degrees of Pisces that sextiles Pluto at 3 degrees of Capricorn… and both points are Inconjunct to the focal point… the Sun at 3 degrees of Leo (ruled by the Sun)… thus, an exact and a powerful aspect… and a very possible great catastrophe (Pluto)… with calamity and treachery behind it (Lilith and Black Moon Lilith) focused upon the Sun (authority, heads of state, leaders, etc). Something big and bad… and some big lies and disinformation about it… are quite possible around this time.
As we have seen over the months… this “Yod” formation is often a powerful indicator of something significant happening at that time… with the Full Moon at the time being the ‘trigger’ that sets it off.
Dear Reader, have your cell phone with on board camera… fully charged for the next few weeks… you are the ‘hope’ for truth. It’s getting more and more difficult for the powers that be to get away with their clandestine schemes and setups that effects the lives of us all everywhere on the planet.
Millions of ordinary citizens all over the planet have cell phones with cameras now… and the marvelous young people have the tech savvy and speed to upload pictures and videos of whatever their local reality is… to faster than Google can ban and take them down… They can be a positive constructive force for truth… represented by Uranus (electronics, communication, and rebels)… at 0 degrees of Aries (youth, warriors)… The cell phone camera may be the passive resistance weapon that brings down tyranny… with pictures of the TRUTH
…dangerous times now …check you kits …and charge your batteries.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Excessive rain this year has caused a breech of the Delhi Dam in eastern Iowa at approximately 1:00 PM today…
The mundane astrology chart of that moment;

[click chart for detail]
Dams are ruled by Saturn, as is the state of Iowa… Saturn at 0 degree of Libra is opposed by Uranus at 0 degree of Aries… an opposition is a separating force… thus some part of the Dam separates… and suddenly (Uranus). The trigger is the approaching conjunct of Mars (force) at almost 28 degrees of Virgo to Saturn and joining in the opposition to Uranus… which is conjunct with Jupiter (excessive water, thus flooding) and Inconjunct to Neptune (water, and the adjustments, or evacuations) at 28 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, sudden happenings)… and all square to Pluto (catastrophic events) at 3 degrees of Capricorn (again Saturn ruled)… and the focal point of the ‘T-Bar’ of the current world tensions.
…and another confirming aspect is the Sun at almost 2 degrees of Leo that is Inconjunct (150 degrees) to the Lilith point (rules calamity) at 2 degrees of Pisces (a water sign)… the ‘adjustment’ influence being the evacuations of the small towns in the path of the flooding waters.
…check your kit …these are stressful times.
The mundane astrology chart of that moment;

[click chart for detail]
Dams are ruled by Saturn, as is the state of Iowa… Saturn at 0 degree of Libra is opposed by Uranus at 0 degree of Aries… an opposition is a separating force… thus some part of the Dam separates… and suddenly (Uranus). The trigger is the approaching conjunct of Mars (force) at almost 28 degrees of Virgo to Saturn and joining in the opposition to Uranus… which is conjunct with Jupiter (excessive water, thus flooding) and Inconjunct to Neptune (water, and the adjustments, or evacuations) at 28 degrees of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, sudden happenings)… and all square to Pluto (catastrophic events) at 3 degrees of Capricorn (again Saturn ruled)… and the focal point of the ‘T-Bar’ of the current world tensions.
…and another confirming aspect is the Sun at almost 2 degrees of Leo that is Inconjunct (150 degrees) to the Lilith point (rules calamity) at 2 degrees of Pisces (a water sign)… the ‘adjustment’ influence being the evacuations of the small towns in the path of the flooding waters.
…check your kit …these are stressful times.
Sometimes I get the feeling that both nature and politicians are conspiring to blow us all to hell. Though alternative fuel sources have been developed such as Brazil using gasoline refined from sugar… the powers that be still insist on pursuing the now very hazardous drilling for oil beneath the ocean from a platform… even when it sits on top of a methane deposit that may make our biggest nuclear weapons seem like a fire cracker if it explodes.
…North Korea threatens nuclear retaliation over South Korean and US Navy war games this weekend. Many South Koreans are suspicious about the alleged torpedo attack that sank one of their ships last May. I personally know that something ‘big’ doesn’t want all the facts revealed… and they will kill your computer if you go web surfing for the real facts.
I wrote an article about a year or so ago in which I opined the possibility of North Korea being ‘framed’ with some fake attack thus giving the powers that be another staged war to make money off of. The aspects around Neptune, which rules intrigue, lies, deception, etc. are there for those possibilities to manifest. I’ve seen it in my own life time… Tonkin Gulf… a totally fabricated incident which never happened… and it was the excuse Lyndon Johnson used to escalate the Vietnam war… which John Kennedy was going to back out of before they assassinated him.
…and much has already been written by many better researchers than me about the blatant Weapons of Mass Destruction lies… the results of which has us in a ten year war… now in Afghanistan… that will bankrupt the empire as it did Alexander, the British, the Soviet Union… and now US. It’s frightening how the patterns repeat… if the USA gets involved in another war in Korea… that would be the same mistake Adolf Hitler made when he opened a 2nd front by attacking Russia in 1940.
…all of which …can be the behind the scenes plan …for the USA to fail and collapse as a world power …so that a ‘world government’ …and controlled ‘world currency’ …and of course ‘controlled citizens’ …and all the attendant police state that conspiracy writers have been warning about for a couple of decades now.
And then… there is something much bigger… that may be fed up with all this nonsense… Gaia… the spirit of Mother Earth herself… These same aspects that are feeding these international tensions… are the same ones we’ve seen during the recent tragic earthquakes like the one in Haiti… and the eruption of the volcanoes in Iceland… and perhaps soon… more of the same and bigger yet… which could reduce all of these stupid games… to rubble over night… and put us all in another ice age.
It is not the time to turn off the warning bells… so executives can sleep…
…check your kits…
…North Korea threatens nuclear retaliation over South Korean and US Navy war games this weekend. Many South Koreans are suspicious about the alleged torpedo attack that sank one of their ships last May. I personally know that something ‘big’ doesn’t want all the facts revealed… and they will kill your computer if you go web surfing for the real facts.
I wrote an article about a year or so ago in which I opined the possibility of North Korea being ‘framed’ with some fake attack thus giving the powers that be another staged war to make money off of. The aspects around Neptune, which rules intrigue, lies, deception, etc. are there for those possibilities to manifest. I’ve seen it in my own life time… Tonkin Gulf… a totally fabricated incident which never happened… and it was the excuse Lyndon Johnson used to escalate the Vietnam war… which John Kennedy was going to back out of before they assassinated him.
…and much has already been written by many better researchers than me about the blatant Weapons of Mass Destruction lies… the results of which has us in a ten year war… now in Afghanistan… that will bankrupt the empire as it did Alexander, the British, the Soviet Union… and now US. It’s frightening how the patterns repeat… if the USA gets involved in another war in Korea… that would be the same mistake Adolf Hitler made when he opened a 2nd front by attacking Russia in 1940.
…all of which …can be the behind the scenes plan …for the USA to fail and collapse as a world power …so that a ‘world government’ …and controlled ‘world currency’ …and of course ‘controlled citizens’ …and all the attendant police state that conspiracy writers have been warning about for a couple of decades now.
And then… there is something much bigger… that may be fed up with all this nonsense… Gaia… the spirit of Mother Earth herself… These same aspects that are feeding these international tensions… are the same ones we’ve seen during the recent tragic earthquakes like the one in Haiti… and the eruption of the volcanoes in Iceland… and perhaps soon… more of the same and bigger yet… which could reduce all of these stupid games… to rubble over night… and put us all in another ice age.
It is not the time to turn off the warning bells… so executives can sleep…
…check your kits…
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday the 26th of July transiting Mars will conjunct Saturn by an orb of 2 degrees… during the Full Moon, which as we have seen in the past is often the ‘trigger’ for disaster, violence, accidents, etc. The question is… what and where?

[click chart for detail]
The Mars/Saturn conjunct at the Virgo/Libra cusp opposes the Jupiter/Uranus conjunct at the Pisces/Aries cusp… and both opposing pairs are square to Pluto at the Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp… thus a very stressful ‘T-Bar’ involving 5 planets… and 3 cardinal points… thus, a lot of stressful energy that potentially can be set off with the trigger of the Full Moon… with a window of influence of a week either way.
There are also three Inconjunct (150 degrees) aspects… which are stressful aspects and often ones of ‘adjustment’ …and in my astrological opinion, they are as powerful as a square. There is an Inconjunct (the green lines on the chart) from the Sun at 3 degrees of Leo to Pluto at 3 degrees of Capricorn (exact, thus very strong)… then another exact Inconjunct from Mars at 28 degrees of Virgo to Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius. Mercury at 28 degrees of Leo is within a 2 degree orb to Inconjunct Uranus at 0 degree of Aries.
The actions are; conjunct = ignition, opposition = separation, square = obstacle, and inconjunct = adjustment.
Here are some keywords of the planets involved taken from Rex Bills’ astrology reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK;
Sun = authority, banking, chief executives, gold, government officials, presidents
Moon = barges, ships, general populace, cleaning, crazy persons, ocean tides
Mercury = communication, media news, travel
Mars = weapons, violence, war, fire
Jupiter = stock markets, expansion, excessive
Saturn = harsh, cruel, brutal, restrictive
Uranus = explosions, airplanes, sudden, hurricanes
Neptune = oil, gases, fraud, deception, conspire, assassination
Pluto = great catastrophes, corruption, infernos, criminals, treachery, volcanoes
As we play word shuffle… we can arrange the words to define many catastrophic events which are possible during this time… World peace will probably not be in the world news during this time slot.
…more like, severe weather spreads the spilled oil via hurricane force winds over the land areas …perhaps an explosion of methane gas beneath the ocean floor in the Gulf… airplane and other machine crashes …more terrorist bombings …another outbreak of war somewhere …water and wind and fire related catastrophes …assassinations …possible stock market crash …and mostly just bad things in general.
This is definitely a time to check your kits …and be ready for anything.

[click chart for detail]
The Mars/Saturn conjunct at the Virgo/Libra cusp opposes the Jupiter/Uranus conjunct at the Pisces/Aries cusp… and both opposing pairs are square to Pluto at the Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp… thus a very stressful ‘T-Bar’ involving 5 planets… and 3 cardinal points… thus, a lot of stressful energy that potentially can be set off with the trigger of the Full Moon… with a window of influence of a week either way.
There are also three Inconjunct (150 degrees) aspects… which are stressful aspects and often ones of ‘adjustment’ …and in my astrological opinion, they are as powerful as a square. There is an Inconjunct (the green lines on the chart) from the Sun at 3 degrees of Leo to Pluto at 3 degrees of Capricorn (exact, thus very strong)… then another exact Inconjunct from Mars at 28 degrees of Virgo to Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius. Mercury at 28 degrees of Leo is within a 2 degree orb to Inconjunct Uranus at 0 degree of Aries.
The actions are; conjunct = ignition, opposition = separation, square = obstacle, and inconjunct = adjustment.
Here are some keywords of the planets involved taken from Rex Bills’ astrology reference book, THE RULERSHIP BOOK;
Sun = authority, banking, chief executives, gold, government officials, presidents
Moon = barges, ships, general populace, cleaning, crazy persons, ocean tides
Mercury = communication, media news, travel
Mars = weapons, violence, war, fire
Jupiter = stock markets, expansion, excessive
Saturn = harsh, cruel, brutal, restrictive
Uranus = explosions, airplanes, sudden, hurricanes
Neptune = oil, gases, fraud, deception, conspire, assassination
Pluto = great catastrophes, corruption, infernos, criminals, treachery, volcanoes
As we play word shuffle… we can arrange the words to define many catastrophic events which are possible during this time… World peace will probably not be in the world news during this time slot.
…more like, severe weather spreads the spilled oil via hurricane force winds over the land areas …perhaps an explosion of methane gas beneath the ocean floor in the Gulf… airplane and other machine crashes …more terrorist bombings …another outbreak of war somewhere …water and wind and fire related catastrophes …assassinations …possible stock market crash …and mostly just bad things in general.
This is definitely a time to check your kits …and be ready for anything.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Just a couple of days ago I wrote of how easy it is to create whatever you want in photos and videos… but you would think that BP… with their kind of money… could hire better fakers. Check out the really bad ‘Photoshop’ fake of the ‘BP Command Center’,
If and when the well is capped and it holds… don’t expect to ever know the true figures of the amount of oil that has spilled into the ocean from this stupid greed catastrophe. The true effects of this will be known a few years from now… when people of the Gulf area start dying in large numbers from various cancers and other toxic related illnesses. Most of the workers involved with the cleanup of the 1989 oil tanker Valdez 10 million gallon oil spill off the shore of Alaska… are dead now
The predicted storms are on their way to the Gulf area… and who knows what kind of mess that’s going to create… and in northeastern China typhoon and floods have displaced thousands with 700 reported fatalities… which may also hamper the current Chinese oil spill cleanup… and equally disastrous oil spill which hasn’t gotten that much media coverage
…and I just found an interesting article by Fred Barnes that uncovers ‘writer conspiracy’ on the left as well,
…a quote from an email of such a group,
“Then, Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent proposed attacking Mr. Obama's critics as racists. He wrote:
"If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them—Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares—and call them racists. . . . This makes them 'sputter' with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction."
No one on JournoList endorsed the Ackerman plan. But rather than object on ethical grounds, they voiced concern that the strategy would fail or possibly backfire.”
The only place you are going to find impartial reporting… are on blogs and websites with no advertisements. The establishment media torpedoes themselves… left and right… Whatever happened to impartial digging for and reporting the truth? …or is that just a left over fantasy from film noir movies?
…check you kits …Mars is within orb and approaching a conjunct to Saturn …historically this can be a very cruel aspect …and it’s joining the problematic ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn opposition Uranus and both square to Pluto.
If and when the well is capped and it holds… don’t expect to ever know the true figures of the amount of oil that has spilled into the ocean from this stupid greed catastrophe. The true effects of this will be known a few years from now… when people of the Gulf area start dying in large numbers from various cancers and other toxic related illnesses. Most of the workers involved with the cleanup of the 1989 oil tanker Valdez 10 million gallon oil spill off the shore of Alaska… are dead now
The predicted storms are on their way to the Gulf area… and who knows what kind of mess that’s going to create… and in northeastern China typhoon and floods have displaced thousands with 700 reported fatalities… which may also hamper the current Chinese oil spill cleanup… and equally disastrous oil spill which hasn’t gotten that much media coverage
…and I just found an interesting article by Fred Barnes that uncovers ‘writer conspiracy’ on the left as well,
…a quote from an email of such a group,
“Then, Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent proposed attacking Mr. Obama's critics as racists. He wrote:
"If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them—Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares—and call them racists. . . . This makes them 'sputter' with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction."
No one on JournoList endorsed the Ackerman plan. But rather than object on ethical grounds, they voiced concern that the strategy would fail or possibly backfire.”
The only place you are going to find impartial reporting… are on blogs and websites with no advertisements. The establishment media torpedoes themselves… left and right… Whatever happened to impartial digging for and reporting the truth? …or is that just a left over fantasy from film noir movies?
…check you kits …Mars is within orb and approaching a conjunct to Saturn …historically this can be a very cruel aspect …and it’s joining the problematic ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn opposition Uranus and both square to Pluto.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I haven’t been keeping score of the terrorist bombings this month… it’s just too depressing. There was a very tragic train wreck in India… and just yesterday thirty or so airline passengers were injured in severe turbulence… and severe weather may disrupt BP’s gulf clean up and capping operations in the Gulf of Mexico… all of which fits into the troublesome influence of the still on going “T-Bar” formation of the transiting planets of Uranus opposition to Saturn and both square to Pluto. Gracefully… the earthquake and volcano activity has been less this month… so far.
…and the DJIA still flounders below 10,500… and may very well crash to my predicted 8500 mark by the end of August… just today a financial columnist posted his opinion that the market could crash to 7500 if it doesn’t get above 10,600… which I and other astrologers have predicted… for a few months now… as this upcoming exact square to Saturn and Pluto forms… an aspect that has brought down administrations and even nations in the past… we shall see…
An interesting expression of the transiting Uranus… currently at 0 degree of Aries (Mars ruled, which rules weapons) square to Pluto (which rules lasers) at 3 degrees of Capricorn… and yesterday the Navy successfully shot down drones with a new ship mounted laser canon in a test over the Pacific Ocean… which may sound positive as a defense weapon… but… bare in mind that this is an inharmonious aspect… and the next step for the war makers is to turn the lasers into an… offensive weapon… and in the fantasies of the current generation of military commanders… who grew up on the ‘Star Wars’ movies… they just can’t wait to play with it… Just imagine a drone aircraft armed with laser guns… that can fly around and blow stuff up… just like in the computer video games… won’t that be fun!
…check your kits …things can get really crazy …really quick…
…and the DJIA still flounders below 10,500… and may very well crash to my predicted 8500 mark by the end of August… just today a financial columnist posted his opinion that the market could crash to 7500 if it doesn’t get above 10,600… which I and other astrologers have predicted… for a few months now… as this upcoming exact square to Saturn and Pluto forms… an aspect that has brought down administrations and even nations in the past… we shall see…
An interesting expression of the transiting Uranus… currently at 0 degree of Aries (Mars ruled, which rules weapons) square to Pluto (which rules lasers) at 3 degrees of Capricorn… and yesterday the Navy successfully shot down drones with a new ship mounted laser canon in a test over the Pacific Ocean… which may sound positive as a defense weapon… but… bare in mind that this is an inharmonious aspect… and the next step for the war makers is to turn the lasers into an… offensive weapon… and in the fantasies of the current generation of military commanders… who grew up on the ‘Star Wars’ movies… they just can’t wait to play with it… Just imagine a drone aircraft armed with laser guns… that can fly around and blow stuff up… just like in the computer video games… won’t that be fun!
…check your kits …things can get really crazy …really quick…
Sunday, July 18, 2010
On the negative side Neptune rules fraud, deception, lies, conspiracy… and neutrally it also rules oil and gas… and it has been slowly transiting through the sign of Aquarius since November of 1998. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which on the negative side rules explosions and revolutionaries. Neptune also rules religious fanatics (of all stripes).
It is currently at 28 degrees of Aquarius and will transit into Pisces, the sign that it rules, in May of 2011… then retrograde back… and then it goes finally into Pisces in February of 2012.
Simply string the keywords together… almost in any random order… like, religious revolutionary bombings… market frauds, deceptions… weapons of mass destruction, lies… disease hype, lies… oil wars… oil well explosions… and that’s a lot of what has been going on since the US Embassy bombings of 1998.
…and of course 9/11 …and the conspiracy theories …and the debunking of some theories …and the debunking of the debunkers as another conspiracy… and both sides are causing a lot of people to get bored with it all… which is probably the really secret result intended.
Facts. I wasn’t there. I really don’t know. I’ve seen the same tabloid photos and news videos that you have. Fact, I do work in the broadcast industry as a media specialist. My job is to look, sometimes frame by frame, for imperfections and glitches that a cable or satellite subscriber might complain about. I just reviewed the controversial documentary “9/11: In Plane Site” from 2009, the Director’s cut.
Fact – the right technician can alter any video or photo… I personally know video editors who can sit at their computer and with their various editing programs (which are a lot more versatile than your version of Photoshop)… and create a very convincing video of a giant suicide crow, with a 175 foot wingspan, holding a giant torpedo in its claws, that flies into a building and explodes.
The on the record facts are what interest me… why weren’t they shot down by the Air Force? …the most guarded airspace in the country …and they’re on stand down? Why were key people… out of the area?
The most intriguing part of the feature is the footage of George W. Bush saying on camera that as he walked to the classroom in Florida that day there was a television on and he saw the first plane hit the tower and thought it was a pilot error… Fact – he wasn’t told of the attack until he was in the classroom… and then he just sat there for 7 minutes. Fact – there were no news cameras on the scene when the first plane hit the tower. There were no such videos being broadcast yet… as he walked to that classroom.
I had read this quote before but I had never actually seen the video footage of him saying that. In all the old film noir movies I’ve seen… it’s always the dumb guy of the gang… that blurts out the incriminating evidence.
Now… within the next couple or three years… if you suddenly see CNN or NBC footage of an ‘Alien invasion’ or ‘the return of the Messiah’ …remember what I’ve told you …I know guys who can make that kind of footage …and for the right amount of money they’ll keep quiet about it.
It is currently at 28 degrees of Aquarius and will transit into Pisces, the sign that it rules, in May of 2011… then retrograde back… and then it goes finally into Pisces in February of 2012.
Simply string the keywords together… almost in any random order… like, religious revolutionary bombings… market frauds, deceptions… weapons of mass destruction, lies… disease hype, lies… oil wars… oil well explosions… and that’s a lot of what has been going on since the US Embassy bombings of 1998.
…and of course 9/11 …and the conspiracy theories …and the debunking of some theories …and the debunking of the debunkers as another conspiracy… and both sides are causing a lot of people to get bored with it all… which is probably the really secret result intended.
Facts. I wasn’t there. I really don’t know. I’ve seen the same tabloid photos and news videos that you have. Fact, I do work in the broadcast industry as a media specialist. My job is to look, sometimes frame by frame, for imperfections and glitches that a cable or satellite subscriber might complain about. I just reviewed the controversial documentary “9/11: In Plane Site” from 2009, the Director’s cut.
Fact – the right technician can alter any video or photo… I personally know video editors who can sit at their computer and with their various editing programs (which are a lot more versatile than your version of Photoshop)… and create a very convincing video of a giant suicide crow, with a 175 foot wingspan, holding a giant torpedo in its claws, that flies into a building and explodes.
The on the record facts are what interest me… why weren’t they shot down by the Air Force? …the most guarded airspace in the country …and they’re on stand down? Why were key people… out of the area?
The most intriguing part of the feature is the footage of George W. Bush saying on camera that as he walked to the classroom in Florida that day there was a television on and he saw the first plane hit the tower and thought it was a pilot error… Fact – he wasn’t told of the attack until he was in the classroom… and then he just sat there for 7 minutes. Fact – there were no news cameras on the scene when the first plane hit the tower. There were no such videos being broadcast yet… as he walked to that classroom.
I had read this quote before but I had never actually seen the video footage of him saying that. In all the old film noir movies I’ve seen… it’s always the dumb guy of the gang… that blurts out the incriminating evidence.
Now… within the next couple or three years… if you suddenly see CNN or NBC footage of an ‘Alien invasion’ or ‘the return of the Messiah’ …remember what I’ve told you …I know guys who can make that kind of footage …and for the right amount of money they’ll keep quiet about it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A half an hour ago… approximately 7 AM here in Long Beach, California… I’m sitting in my canvas director’s chair in peaceful morning meditation in my small yard… and drops of a light rain begin to fall. It’s refreshing… It doesn’t bother me… and I begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all. It’s raining in southern California… in the middle of JULY!
…and for the past decade a small group (maybe 50) of lying corrupt scientists on the take for money from the other politician and corporate members of the UN Climate Council …put forth as fact one of the biggest lies of the past couple of centuries… that of global warming due to carbon emissions… and they award their propaganda stooges… like Al Gore, a Nobel peace prize.
It has become a major political driver of policies that will keep the third world countries poor and undeveloped and starving… no politician dares to speak against it… and honest scientists who speak the truth have their funding cut and the corporate controlled media is used to discredit them.
The weather is always in a flux of change… since day one… and it is primarily due to cyclic Sun spot activity. If you want to know the real truth about climate cycles from real scientists check out one of the many videos they are beginning to circulate among the alternate media… the internet… which is constantly being undermined by various human made computer hacks and viruses… from the small secret group of egomaniacs who think they have the right to rule the world. Man made carbon emissions are but 2% of the total… the other 98% of carbon emissions come from the evaporating ocean water, plants, and continuous volcano emissions throughout the world… open your eyes and minds to truth, here’s one such video,
…it is a proven hoax …yet there is no media uproar …and it is still being pushed as UN policy …if anything the establishment media is the stage magician …distracting the audience with the latest antics of their movie stars like Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, and Roman Polanski… while the manipulation of markets, energy supplies, manufactured diseases, profitable weapons and war production, etc… continues unabated…
Why do they want to keep third world countries poor? …because it’s getting harder for them to control and exploit the third world countries! Just last week I had an interesting conformation of this. As I’ve mentioned before in this column… at the age of 65 I still have a ‘day job’ at a broadcast studio in Los Angeles where I quality control inspect movies from all over the planet before they are broadcast via cable and satellite. I reviewed an interesting documentary by Canadian film makers, Ben Addelman and Samir Mallal, entitled, “Nollywood Babylon” …about films produced in Nigeria… by Nigerians.
We all know of the ‘Hollywood’ movie empire… and its rival the second largest producer of movies ‘Bollywood’ the movie industry of India… and the third largest producer of movies is now ‘Nollywood’ the movie industry of Nigeria… and for the benefit of Sarah Palin and other geography ignorant folks… Nigeria is a third world under developed poor country in Africa and they rank 8th among the ten most populated countries of the world with 154,729,000 people.
Their movie industry began to grow in the 1980s with the development of VHS video cameras and now DVD distribution. Yes, they’re grainy… more sophisticated movie reviewers would say they’re ‘corny’ etc… But they are improving rapidly as does the technology and they now have 30 years of production experience… which now produces 2500 titles per year… at an average cost of less than $15,000 per feature… and many are the same old scary monsters, Jesus and Voodoo, gangsters vs. good guys, and romance, etc… But, the important point is… they are Nigerian movies… with Nigerian actors… made by Nigerian directors and production crews.
They simply got tired of watching white people movies about white people… and they started making their own movies about Africans made by Africans. They have an enthusiastic and supportive audience of 154 million people… and they could care less about the antics of Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan… or the opinions of 1st world movie critics.
They are making money with their own product in their own country without the control or influence of any of the 1st and 2nd world powers that be… These people may be poor… some lack formal education… but… they’re not stupid… and that is what scares the secret world power people silly… the 3rd world is ditching the ‘system’ and doing their own thing more and more every day.
In my opinion… it is within these third world countries where the solutions to the world energy problems will be found… such as Brazil running their cars on sugar cane refined gasoline for a couple of decades now…
Because of the emissions control hoax… and attempts at world regulation of industry… other nations will develop wind, solar, water turbine power, and other sources of cheap and sometimes … ‘free’… (corporate and political interests hate that word and they are trying very hard to abolish it from thinking and language all together) energy for all…
…that is ..if …BP and other greedy oil mongers …don’t drill into and ignite maybe the world’s largest methane gas bubble beneath the Gulf of Mexico ocean floor …and thus blow up the entire planet …or significant parts of it …
I’m not an advocate of the psychic, Edgar Cayce… some of his predictions have come to pass… and some not…. however, he did once see Kansas as beach property in 2015…
…we shall see…
How does all this relate to mundane astrology? It is part of the ongoing transit of Neptune (rules film industry)… through the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, which rules pioneers, invention, revolutionary thinking, independence, etc)… thus, new independent and innovative film makers emerge to challenge the status quo.
Check out the free 2 minute preview;
Search engine around for it… it’s available via cable and satellite (as of last Tuesday night when I passed it for broadcast)… It’s an inexpensive documentary movie rent… and a very inspiring watch… I enjoyed it.
…and for the past decade a small group (maybe 50) of lying corrupt scientists on the take for money from the other politician and corporate members of the UN Climate Council …put forth as fact one of the biggest lies of the past couple of centuries… that of global warming due to carbon emissions… and they award their propaganda stooges… like Al Gore, a Nobel peace prize.
It has become a major political driver of policies that will keep the third world countries poor and undeveloped and starving… no politician dares to speak against it… and honest scientists who speak the truth have their funding cut and the corporate controlled media is used to discredit them.
The weather is always in a flux of change… since day one… and it is primarily due to cyclic Sun spot activity. If you want to know the real truth about climate cycles from real scientists check out one of the many videos they are beginning to circulate among the alternate media… the internet… which is constantly being undermined by various human made computer hacks and viruses… from the small secret group of egomaniacs who think they have the right to rule the world. Man made carbon emissions are but 2% of the total… the other 98% of carbon emissions come from the evaporating ocean water, plants, and continuous volcano emissions throughout the world… open your eyes and minds to truth, here’s one such video,
…it is a proven hoax …yet there is no media uproar …and it is still being pushed as UN policy …if anything the establishment media is the stage magician …distracting the audience with the latest antics of their movie stars like Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, and Roman Polanski… while the manipulation of markets, energy supplies, manufactured diseases, profitable weapons and war production, etc… continues unabated…
Why do they want to keep third world countries poor? …because it’s getting harder for them to control and exploit the third world countries! Just last week I had an interesting conformation of this. As I’ve mentioned before in this column… at the age of 65 I still have a ‘day job’ at a broadcast studio in Los Angeles where I quality control inspect movies from all over the planet before they are broadcast via cable and satellite. I reviewed an interesting documentary by Canadian film makers, Ben Addelman and Samir Mallal, entitled, “Nollywood Babylon” …about films produced in Nigeria… by Nigerians.
We all know of the ‘Hollywood’ movie empire… and its rival the second largest producer of movies ‘Bollywood’ the movie industry of India… and the third largest producer of movies is now ‘Nollywood’ the movie industry of Nigeria… and for the benefit of Sarah Palin and other geography ignorant folks… Nigeria is a third world under developed poor country in Africa and they rank 8th among the ten most populated countries of the world with 154,729,000 people.
Their movie industry began to grow in the 1980s with the development of VHS video cameras and now DVD distribution. Yes, they’re grainy… more sophisticated movie reviewers would say they’re ‘corny’ etc… But they are improving rapidly as does the technology and they now have 30 years of production experience… which now produces 2500 titles per year… at an average cost of less than $15,000 per feature… and many are the same old scary monsters, Jesus and Voodoo, gangsters vs. good guys, and romance, etc… But, the important point is… they are Nigerian movies… with Nigerian actors… made by Nigerian directors and production crews.
They simply got tired of watching white people movies about white people… and they started making their own movies about Africans made by Africans. They have an enthusiastic and supportive audience of 154 million people… and they could care less about the antics of Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan… or the opinions of 1st world movie critics.
They are making money with their own product in their own country without the control or influence of any of the 1st and 2nd world powers that be… These people may be poor… some lack formal education… but… they’re not stupid… and that is what scares the secret world power people silly… the 3rd world is ditching the ‘system’ and doing their own thing more and more every day.
In my opinion… it is within these third world countries where the solutions to the world energy problems will be found… such as Brazil running their cars on sugar cane refined gasoline for a couple of decades now…
Because of the emissions control hoax… and attempts at world regulation of industry… other nations will develop wind, solar, water turbine power, and other sources of cheap and sometimes … ‘free’… (corporate and political interests hate that word and they are trying very hard to abolish it from thinking and language all together) energy for all…
…that is ..if …BP and other greedy oil mongers …don’t drill into and ignite maybe the world’s largest methane gas bubble beneath the Gulf of Mexico ocean floor …and thus blow up the entire planet …or significant parts of it …
I’m not an advocate of the psychic, Edgar Cayce… some of his predictions have come to pass… and some not…. however, he did once see Kansas as beach property in 2015…
…we shall see…
How does all this relate to mundane astrology? It is part of the ongoing transit of Neptune (rules film industry)… through the sign of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus, which rules pioneers, invention, revolutionary thinking, independence, etc)… thus, new independent and innovative film makers emerge to challenge the status quo.
Check out the free 2 minute preview;
Search engine around for it… it’s available via cable and satellite (as of last Tuesday night when I passed it for broadcast)… It’s an inexpensive documentary movie rent… and a very inspiring watch… I enjoyed it.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Islamist terrorist bombings kill 200 or more in Uganda this past week and the typhoon that has struck the Philippines has taken 26 lives thus far… and they occur within the orb of the eclipse this past 11th. The energy seems to have fueled a rally in the DJIA the past few days… however, it still has not closed above 10,500… I still think it’s a weak market… we shall see.
Venus opposition Neptune… and the celebrities of entertainment (Venus) are being ‘scandalous’ again (Neptune)… Roman Polanski is released in Europe and beats the extradition to California for jumping bail 30 years ago… you know the story… and Lindsay Lohan may have run out of ‘get out of jail free’ cards… we shall see, they haven’t locked her up yet… and Mel Gibson continues to trash his career with his foul mouth… and Bristol and Levi are engaged to be married… maybe Jerry Springer will invite them all to his program?… that would get some high viewer ratings…
…and so it goes …as the planets spin
The stressful ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn opposition to Uranus and both square to Pluto continues this ongoing tension throughout the month. The next really stressful day will be the 26th… I’ll do a more detailed chart presentation on that transit within a few days… there are new possibilities that I’m studying… like the giant bubble of methane gas underneath the BP disastrous off shore oil drilling site…
…and as usual the cover-ups have started… and one must be very careful where one surfs the web… there are powers that be… that do not want you to know… about a lot of things… and if you get too close… you’ll be torpedoed with a ‘worm’ virus that will kill you computer. That was a recent $546 lesson I learned from the ‘School of Hand Knocks’
Venus opposition Neptune… and the celebrities of entertainment (Venus) are being ‘scandalous’ again (Neptune)… Roman Polanski is released in Europe and beats the extradition to California for jumping bail 30 years ago… you know the story… and Lindsay Lohan may have run out of ‘get out of jail free’ cards… we shall see, they haven’t locked her up yet… and Mel Gibson continues to trash his career with his foul mouth… and Bristol and Levi are engaged to be married… maybe Jerry Springer will invite them all to his program?… that would get some high viewer ratings…
…and so it goes …as the planets spin
The stressful ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn opposition to Uranus and both square to Pluto continues this ongoing tension throughout the month. The next really stressful day will be the 26th… I’ll do a more detailed chart presentation on that transit within a few days… there are new possibilities that I’m studying… like the giant bubble of methane gas underneath the BP disastrous off shore oil drilling site…
…and as usual the cover-ups have started… and one must be very careful where one surfs the web… there are powers that be… that do not want you to know… about a lot of things… and if you get too close… you’ll be torpedoed with a ‘worm’ virus that will kill you computer. That was a recent $546 lesson I learned from the ‘School of Hand Knocks’
Friday, July 9, 2010
Let’s get right into the chart of the 11th, this Sunday;

[click chart for detail]
We see the tightening of the transiting ‘T-Bar’ of Jupiter conjunct Uranus and both opposed to Saturn, and all square to Pluto… that has been the constant tension the past few months and it will still continue… with more planet and social unrest, violence, war, possible severe weather, earthquakes, volcano activity, market slides, corruption, etc… to the point of being redundant.
An interesting result of the recent transiting Venus (celebrities) in opposition (negative influence, here it is the ‘pulling apart’ of careers and reputations) to Neptune (film, movie stars) …is yet another wave of Hollywood scandal… with Linsey Lohan possibly doing jail time… and the recent scandalous and racist rantings of Mel Gibson.
Check your kits… and be ready for sudden surprises… as the Sun/Moon eclipse sextiles Mars… which in this formation may simply make whatever it is… easier to happen… and with force.

[click chart for detail]
We see the tightening of the transiting ‘T-Bar’ of Jupiter conjunct Uranus and both opposed to Saturn, and all square to Pluto… that has been the constant tension the past few months and it will still continue… with more planet and social unrest, violence, war, possible severe weather, earthquakes, volcano activity, market slides, corruption, etc… to the point of being redundant.
An interesting result of the recent transiting Venus (celebrities) in opposition (negative influence, here it is the ‘pulling apart’ of careers and reputations) to Neptune (film, movie stars) …is yet another wave of Hollywood scandal… with Linsey Lohan possibly doing jail time… and the recent scandalous and racist rantings of Mel Gibson.
Check your kits… and be ready for sudden surprises… as the Sun/Moon eclipse sextiles Mars… which in this formation may simply make whatever it is… easier to happen… and with force.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
This past month’s experience with the North Korean ‘worm’ computer virus is teaching me to be much more portable… and showing me that technology is finally catching up with what I want to do. For only $546… which I just happen to have laying around in my paypal account from ‘penny’ clicks from dear readers and email client fees over the past three years… I can now publically post my prognostications and wiseacring from any location on the planet… with the nifty built in wireless gizmo… and in future writings North Korea will not be given any editorial slack whatsoever from this writer.
So far this month the predictions are in line… with plenty of violence, revolution, bombings, etc… and another 5.2 earthquake in my area… last Tuesday in Boreiggo Springs, about 30 miles or so east of my little house… and my kit is ready, and my laptop battery charged… and as always, dear reader… I remind you to check yours…
The stock market did the predicted slide to 9700 or so… and is now rallying back toward the 10,500 level. For this recovery to be real it needs to move past and close strongly above that point. If it fails to close above 10,500… then the 11th ‘T-bar’ New Moon may send it on down again. I still see the DJIA at 8500 by the end of August.
Let us all do what we can to support the condemned woman in Iran who has been sentenced to ‘stoning’… How more in ‘stone age’ morality and thinking… can a country be? …and these idiots want to play with atomic energy?!
…no need to dwell on the BP disaster …except to remind the world that it was all caused by cost cutting, rule bending, irresponsible leadership… and just plain greed. Justice would be criminal prosecution of those causing the failures, the total cleanup bill to be paid by BP, to include lifetime compensation to fishermen whose livelihood is being destroyed… and if it bankrupts them… so be it. Don’t hold your breath on any of that coming to pass… there will be no justice… and there will be on going oil wars… until there is a Constitutional Amendment written and passed into law… for the separation of… Oil and State.
So far this month the predictions are in line… with plenty of violence, revolution, bombings, etc… and another 5.2 earthquake in my area… last Tuesday in Boreiggo Springs, about 30 miles or so east of my little house… and my kit is ready, and my laptop battery charged… and as always, dear reader… I remind you to check yours…
The stock market did the predicted slide to 9700 or so… and is now rallying back toward the 10,500 level. For this recovery to be real it needs to move past and close strongly above that point. If it fails to close above 10,500… then the 11th ‘T-bar’ New Moon may send it on down again. I still see the DJIA at 8500 by the end of August.
Let us all do what we can to support the condemned woman in Iran who has been sentenced to ‘stoning’… How more in ‘stone age’ morality and thinking… can a country be? …and these idiots want to play with atomic energy?!
…no need to dwell on the BP disaster …except to remind the world that it was all caused by cost cutting, rule bending, irresponsible leadership… and just plain greed. Justice would be criminal prosecution of those causing the failures, the total cleanup bill to be paid by BP, to include lifetime compensation to fishermen whose livelihood is being destroyed… and if it bankrupts them… so be it. Don’t hold your breath on any of that coming to pass… there will be no justice… and there will be on going oil wars… until there is a Constitutional Amendment written and passed into law… for the separation of… Oil and State.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Left over from the June 26th Grand Cross is the still tightening ‘T-Bar’ aspect between the transiting Uranus in opposition to Saturn and both square to Pluto. It will more than likely be another rocky month for both the stock markets, and short tempers… internationally and personally… so try to stay cool… and out of the way.
This formation by orb allowance persists throughout the month. The very stressful days will be the transits of the solar eclipse…. One of the major alignments of this year… and this occurs on the 11th. In this type of stressful formation the influence can stretch to within a week either way.
The other very volatile day for the month is the 26th again… and the Full Moon. What makes this particularly volatile is the transiting Mars now joining the ‘T-Bar’… as Mars conjuncts with the Saturn side of the “T-Bar’… thus opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto. This is potentially a very explosive mix.
With orb allowances we can expects more of the same… another round of 5.0M and larger earthquakes… more severe storms and hurricane activity around the 11th and 26th… perhaps another round with the Icelandic volcanoes as Mars joins the stressful ‘T-Bar’ from the 26th on through the month.
There will continue to be international tensions and war, and perhaps some more out breaks of civil unrest, riots, revolts, random acts of violence and mayhem, etc.
…and this past month I finally got an accurate call on the stock market. As I predicted there was a rally up to 10,500… and right after the 26th the market began another steep slide… down to 9732, as I write this post. I still predict that the DJIA will sink to 8500 or lower by the end of August… I was looking for that mark around the end of May.. and as of last month, I extended that prediction mark to the end of August… and today it’s within 1300 of that 8500 prediction… and could hit it within this month… we shall see.
A political assassination did occur in northern Mexico last month…. and with Neptune still in Uranus ruled Aquarius… President Obama’s Secret Service detail should be even more diligent around the 26th and on through the month….
…be cool …check you kits …stash some get out of town money …top of your gas tank …and be alert.
P.S. I’m still having computer problems…. I am borrowing a friend’s computer to post this… so, I’ll post the exact charts hopefully within a few days… and perhaps some further opinions and ranting about all this unnecessary mass insanity lately.
This formation by orb allowance persists throughout the month. The very stressful days will be the transits of the solar eclipse…. One of the major alignments of this year… and this occurs on the 11th. In this type of stressful formation the influence can stretch to within a week either way.
The other very volatile day for the month is the 26th again… and the Full Moon. What makes this particularly volatile is the transiting Mars now joining the ‘T-Bar’… as Mars conjuncts with the Saturn side of the “T-Bar’… thus opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto. This is potentially a very explosive mix.
With orb allowances we can expects more of the same… another round of 5.0M and larger earthquakes… more severe storms and hurricane activity around the 11th and 26th… perhaps another round with the Icelandic volcanoes as Mars joins the stressful ‘T-Bar’ from the 26th on through the month.
There will continue to be international tensions and war, and perhaps some more out breaks of civil unrest, riots, revolts, random acts of violence and mayhem, etc.
…and this past month I finally got an accurate call on the stock market. As I predicted there was a rally up to 10,500… and right after the 26th the market began another steep slide… down to 9732, as I write this post. I still predict that the DJIA will sink to 8500 or lower by the end of August… I was looking for that mark around the end of May.. and as of last month, I extended that prediction mark to the end of August… and today it’s within 1300 of that 8500 prediction… and could hit it within this month… we shall see.
A political assassination did occur in northern Mexico last month…. and with Neptune still in Uranus ruled Aquarius… President Obama’s Secret Service detail should be even more diligent around the 26th and on through the month….
…be cool …check you kits …stash some get out of town money …top of your gas tank …and be alert.
P.S. I’m still having computer problems…. I am borrowing a friend’s computer to post this… so, I’ll post the exact charts hopefully within a few days… and perhaps some further opinions and ranting about all this unnecessary mass insanity lately.
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