“Heavy storms kill at least 5, ruin homes in Ohio”
In the predictions post of May 29th I mentioned the probability of severe storms during the month of June… which is indicated with the opposition between transiting Saturn and Uranus… which is joined now by transiting Jupiter conjunct with Uranus.
This mundane event and chart are classic examples of using what I refer to as simple keyword ‘A,B,C astrology’ for mundane world predictions …using the classic astrology reference book by Rex E. Bills, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, which lists alphabetically various mundane events, attitudes, actions, etc. and what particular planets, signs, houses influence or ‘rule’ those subjects.
Let’s explore the basic aspect of influence in this mundane event chart of the 11 PM tornado that struck the small town of Millbury Ohio, Saturday night. This would be the almost exact approaching opposition (which creates the maximum stress) of Uranus at 0 degree of Aries to transiting Saturn at almost 28 degrees of Virgo (2 degrees of separation with a 6 degree orb allowance of influence) In the dictionary chapter of everyday mundane words we find;
“severity = Saturn, Pluto” …and “tornadoes = Uranus” = severe tornado
Even the actual ‘headline’ words selected by the author of the article is laced with the influences, “Heavy storms…” in the RULERSHIP BOOK, “heavy things = Saturn” and “ruins = Saturn, Pluto” …and deaths = Pluto, Saturn, Mars…
An opposition is a stressful aspect that literally… separates, pulls apart …and as seen in the photo of the man standing in the stair well of his storm cellar …that’s exactly what happened …the tornado separated his entire house from its foundation.
You will note Pluto is a co-ruler in “severity, and death”… and transiting Pluto is within a 6 degree orb allowance at 4 degrees of Capricorn which squares both Saturn and Uranus, thus is also another powerful stress influence within the on going stressful Saturn/Uranus/Pluto ‘T-Bar’ that has brought us so much stress world wide for the past six months and will continue to do so throughout this year… add to that the current transiting Jupiter conjunct to the Uranus side of the ‘T-Bar’…and now the tensions are simply increased due to the expansive influence of Jupiter.
…and the ‘Trigger’ of the event …at 11:00 PM the transiting Moon conjuncts the Jupiter/Uranus/Aries cusp conjunction side of the stressful ‘T-Bar’ at 28-29 degrees of Pisces and 0 degree Aries… and the Moon represents ‘the populace’ …and the small town of 1200 people, of Millbury, Ohio… experienced a sudden severe and tragic event.
There are other stressful aspects as well, such as Mars Inconjunct the Jupiter/Uranus point and Saturn Inconjunct to Neptune… and another ‘T-Bar’ of Mars opposition Neptune and squared by the focal planet of Mercury is forming… and other more complex aspects like the parallels (similar in influence as conjuncts and oppositions) of the 28-29 degree of sign locations for the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Lilth Moon (calamity), and the Part of Fortune (or misfortune)… and the last dwad (2½ degree segment, 27½, 28, 29) of all signs is the ‘power’ point of that sign.
…various combinations of these stressful aspects continue to transit almost everyday throughout the remainder of June… check your kits.
[click chart for details]

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