Some weeks ago when the BP offshore oil well exploded and sank and the oil began to spew… I had the intuitive feeling that this might be the disaster of the century… or one of them… and I wondered about the effects of an electrical storm over the oily mess… and now this and other articles are sounding the same questions… as the predicted severe hurricane season starts…
“Gulf oil spill: Could ‘toxic storm’ make beach towns uninhabitable?”
What I see as possible… is a violent Hurricane wind whipping up an oil and water mixed… vapor mist… sort of like a giant carburetor… and then just one lightning bolt, a spark, or maybe just someone lighting a cigarette on an Alabama beach… and BANG! …and a giant fireball explodes for who knows how far… or for how long…
All the planetary influences at present Uranus (sudden, explosive, hurricanes) in Aries (Mars ruled, force, can be violent) opposite Saturn (earth, structures, burdens) in square to Pluto (catastrophe)… are there …and all can be triggered now by the partial eclipse… which now forms a ‘Grand Cross’ which was exact today the 26th of June.
…we shall see …check your kits.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Along with millions of others… I had ‘hope’ in 2008 with the Democrat’s election victory and new majority… and now along with millions of others… we are witness to the same old corrupt collusion of corporate, bank, oil, stock market frauds and manipulation, invented diseases and the corrupt pharmaceutical industry selling the invented cure, WMD lies, war scandals, lobbyists… etc., etc… with our government… and with all the world governments…
Some of the conspiracy theories are in fact being proven… piece by piece… How can it be otherwise? Life is just not that random… we see that in this column month after month with mundane astrology… as certain kinds of events do occur with predictable regularity when certain stressful planetary aspects are made… especially the conjunct aspects of the transiting Moon to these stressful points… and often when an exact ‘Yod’ (shaped like a pointer on the chart) formation is made by transiting planets to these stress points.
Just last week within the three day stress range periods that I posted on June 4th when earthquakes, volcano activity, and serve weather would probably occur… and they did… a 7.2M earthquake in the Indian Ocean… and then a 5.2M in my own locale… San Diego… which is 40 some miles south of my little house… then today a 5.2M earthquake 40 miles north of Ottawa, Canada… and a lot of serious flooding in other areas of the country and world… and the disastrous and as yet unstopped oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico… and the on going wars, etc.
Dear Reader, I simply have had to take a break from it all for a few days. The left brain does the mechanics of the chart construction and aspect interpretation research… from millennia of data within the astrology research community… then the right brain does the intuiting part… for me it’s using the chart as a focal point of meditation… I open my center mind and let the chart speak to me… and if I do it right… I often get mental flashes of pictures… and sometimes audible thoughts are heard… and along with it lately… an empathy connection… often emotionally feeling the anguish of others caught in a catastrophe… I simply don’t enjoy predicting catastrophes… even if I am accurate.
…so …I’ve just been going to work and back …puttering and meditating in my yard …eating an occasional apple from the tree …and I planted some things and got my hands in the dirt and ground out some of these negative vibrations …and in this relaxed state… the brain pulls itself back together… and questions, thoughts, etc… began to click back and forth… this connects to that… that to this, etc… and it all led me to some startling revelations about… some astrologers…
For me this column has been an incredible adventure and growth as an astrologer and writer… just this past month the natal charts of some email clients helped me to finally see more things about myself that I hadn’t totally owned yet… and I deeply thank them for the sharing opportunity we all had via the email study. Those who have followed the column for the past two years or so, will of course recognize my ‘wily rascal’ ego… especially in the beginning… all in humor, though a bit dark at times, I will admit…
At a penny a click, here at Blogit… and for free now on Blogger… this column and self publishing isn’t really about money… it’s about service… If just one person reads a projected date of stress… and checks their kit… and the event does occur in their locale… and they survive because they were prepared… then this column will have served its purpose.
No… I do not pretend to be some sort of enlightened ‘master’ astrology guru… I am simply an astrologer, wiseacre writer, artist, mystic shaman, Reiki and crystal healer, and an eccentric old biker…
This column is just something I have to do… sort of like ‘self actualization’ to use a current hip phrase. Like I’ve said many times… there is always free will and choice… some choices are more harmonious and work better than others… I have Pluto (the positive side rules transformation and regeneration) in the 6th House… the house that rules “service”… and gardening, which is very therapeutic for me, is ruled by the 6th House…
Ergo, things go better in my life if I include some ‘service’ to others. If I fail to find a harmonious outlet for this energy… then it will back up into pools of negative thought, grouchy nit picking, and in general I’ll be a cranky old man type, ‘Bah! Humbug! …go away’ …and get cancer of something or other and just die. I’d rather ride my motorcycle to work and back… dig and plant in my yard… draw pictures and write… in between astrology charts… for however long my physical body has left in this 3rd dimension…
Those who have followed this column can remember the articles I have written that quote the historical facts of astrologers being councilors to royalty and heads of state… throughout recorded history. I find it ironically humorous when far right ‘politician-religion’ wing nuts utter their immediate knee jerk reaction to the subject of astrology… ‘works of the devil, heresy, etc.’
…and yet they worship and adore their conservative Icon, President Ronald Reagan …who employed personal astrologers, like Jean Dixon, for one… from the days when he was an actor in Hollywood… on through his Presidency… He also was the President who broke the 20 year cycle of American Presidents being assassinated or dying in office… by surviving…
Sometimes fore warnings of stressful times from a good astrologer can save your butt… and at other times some astrologers who take the ‘left hand’ path and enlist… at the cost of their soul… into the ranks of the ‘forces of darkness’…etc… can advise a head state… of when to take advantage of stressful transits… to advance their political agendas of ‘divide and conquer’…
Like maybe… you want your clandestine agents to stir up civil unrest… and pose as rebels and blow some people up… so you have a reason to declare martial law and take over… with rigged ‘elections’ of your puppets to come later after you have pacified things?’ …and you seek council from your highly paid ‘embedded’ secret mundane astrologer, who might advise something like, “The 26th of June… as the Uranus opposition tightens its orb to oppose Saturn and both are square to Pluto… and the Full Moon turns it into a Grand Cross… would be a powerful time to start a revolution, instigate general mayhem… or even a test of your secret earthquake enhancement machine.”
…and a few minutes after that secret meeting… the left hand path astrologer taps at his computer keyboard and enters his stock market account… and purchases Put Options (a purchased option to sell short… betting that a stock or index goes down in price) on the DJIA Index…
Am I letting secret cats out of the bag? …maybe …a few weeks ago, as I surfed the web for info on North Korean made torpedoes …I was torpedoed by a vicious ‘worm’ computer virus …clearly, someone doesn’t want me, or any other writer, to know just how easy it is to buy a North Korean made torpedo on the weapons black market… or that the secret intelligence agencies of various governments throughout the world… have used mini-submarines since WWII… a Japanese one was sunk by the US Navy during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941…
The world wide secret evil games of manipulation… by the secret few… are becoming rather obvious.
I will close with the positive note… there is individual ‘hope’… simply follow one’s heart and conscience… be yourself in a constructive and harmonious manner… and allow and give others the same freedom and respect that you want from them. Be at peace… with yourself and others… we are all consciousness… and we’re all having a physical experience in a shared third dimension… so… why not… let’s just try and play nice in the cosmic sand box?
Some of the conspiracy theories are in fact being proven… piece by piece… How can it be otherwise? Life is just not that random… we see that in this column month after month with mundane astrology… as certain kinds of events do occur with predictable regularity when certain stressful planetary aspects are made… especially the conjunct aspects of the transiting Moon to these stressful points… and often when an exact ‘Yod’ (shaped like a pointer on the chart) formation is made by transiting planets to these stress points.
Just last week within the three day stress range periods that I posted on June 4th when earthquakes, volcano activity, and serve weather would probably occur… and they did… a 7.2M earthquake in the Indian Ocean… and then a 5.2M in my own locale… San Diego… which is 40 some miles south of my little house… then today a 5.2M earthquake 40 miles north of Ottawa, Canada… and a lot of serious flooding in other areas of the country and world… and the disastrous and as yet unstopped oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico… and the on going wars, etc.
Dear Reader, I simply have had to take a break from it all for a few days. The left brain does the mechanics of the chart construction and aspect interpretation research… from millennia of data within the astrology research community… then the right brain does the intuiting part… for me it’s using the chart as a focal point of meditation… I open my center mind and let the chart speak to me… and if I do it right… I often get mental flashes of pictures… and sometimes audible thoughts are heard… and along with it lately… an empathy connection… often emotionally feeling the anguish of others caught in a catastrophe… I simply don’t enjoy predicting catastrophes… even if I am accurate.
…so …I’ve just been going to work and back …puttering and meditating in my yard …eating an occasional apple from the tree …and I planted some things and got my hands in the dirt and ground out some of these negative vibrations …and in this relaxed state… the brain pulls itself back together… and questions, thoughts, etc… began to click back and forth… this connects to that… that to this, etc… and it all led me to some startling revelations about… some astrologers…
For me this column has been an incredible adventure and growth as an astrologer and writer… just this past month the natal charts of some email clients helped me to finally see more things about myself that I hadn’t totally owned yet… and I deeply thank them for the sharing opportunity we all had via the email study. Those who have followed the column for the past two years or so, will of course recognize my ‘wily rascal’ ego… especially in the beginning… all in humor, though a bit dark at times, I will admit…
At a penny a click, here at Blogit… and for free now on Blogger… this column and self publishing isn’t really about money… it’s about service… If just one person reads a projected date of stress… and checks their kit… and the event does occur in their locale… and they survive because they were prepared… then this column will have served its purpose.
No… I do not pretend to be some sort of enlightened ‘master’ astrology guru… I am simply an astrologer, wiseacre writer, artist, mystic shaman, Reiki and crystal healer, and an eccentric old biker…
This column is just something I have to do… sort of like ‘self actualization’ to use a current hip phrase. Like I’ve said many times… there is always free will and choice… some choices are more harmonious and work better than others… I have Pluto (the positive side rules transformation and regeneration) in the 6th House… the house that rules “service”… and gardening, which is very therapeutic for me, is ruled by the 6th House…
Ergo, things go better in my life if I include some ‘service’ to others. If I fail to find a harmonious outlet for this energy… then it will back up into pools of negative thought, grouchy nit picking, and in general I’ll be a cranky old man type, ‘Bah! Humbug! …go away’ …and get cancer of something or other and just die. I’d rather ride my motorcycle to work and back… dig and plant in my yard… draw pictures and write… in between astrology charts… for however long my physical body has left in this 3rd dimension…
Those who have followed this column can remember the articles I have written that quote the historical facts of astrologers being councilors to royalty and heads of state… throughout recorded history. I find it ironically humorous when far right ‘politician-religion’ wing nuts utter their immediate knee jerk reaction to the subject of astrology… ‘works of the devil, heresy, etc.’
…and yet they worship and adore their conservative Icon, President Ronald Reagan …who employed personal astrologers, like Jean Dixon, for one… from the days when he was an actor in Hollywood… on through his Presidency… He also was the President who broke the 20 year cycle of American Presidents being assassinated or dying in office… by surviving…
Sometimes fore warnings of stressful times from a good astrologer can save your butt… and at other times some astrologers who take the ‘left hand’ path and enlist… at the cost of their soul… into the ranks of the ‘forces of darkness’…etc… can advise a head state… of when to take advantage of stressful transits… to advance their political agendas of ‘divide and conquer’…
Like maybe… you want your clandestine agents to stir up civil unrest… and pose as rebels and blow some people up… so you have a reason to declare martial law and take over… with rigged ‘elections’ of your puppets to come later after you have pacified things?’ …and you seek council from your highly paid ‘embedded’ secret mundane astrologer, who might advise something like, “The 26th of June… as the Uranus opposition tightens its orb to oppose Saturn and both are square to Pluto… and the Full Moon turns it into a Grand Cross… would be a powerful time to start a revolution, instigate general mayhem… or even a test of your secret earthquake enhancement machine.”
…and a few minutes after that secret meeting… the left hand path astrologer taps at his computer keyboard and enters his stock market account… and purchases Put Options (a purchased option to sell short… betting that a stock or index goes down in price) on the DJIA Index…
Am I letting secret cats out of the bag? …maybe …a few weeks ago, as I surfed the web for info on North Korean made torpedoes …I was torpedoed by a vicious ‘worm’ computer virus …clearly, someone doesn’t want me, or any other writer, to know just how easy it is to buy a North Korean made torpedo on the weapons black market… or that the secret intelligence agencies of various governments throughout the world… have used mini-submarines since WWII… a Japanese one was sunk by the US Navy during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941…
The world wide secret evil games of manipulation… by the secret few… are becoming rather obvious.
I will close with the positive note… there is individual ‘hope’… simply follow one’s heart and conscience… be yourself in a constructive and harmonious manner… and allow and give others the same freedom and respect that you want from them. Be at peace… with yourself and others… we are all consciousness… and we’re all having a physical experience in a shared third dimension… so… why not… let’s just try and play nice in the cosmic sand box?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
As predicted the world is seeing more water and storm related problems, which relates to the on going Mars opposition to Neptune… and the ‘T-Bar’ aspect slowly forming the ‘Grand Cross' of the 26th of this month. Just yesterday there was a fatal and sudden flash flood in an Arkansas campground,
…and of course these transits are not helping the BP oil spill problems.
The Mars and Neptune (war and violence at sea) aspect also relates to the on going confrontations between Israel and Turkey and the aid flotillas to Gaza… and the ‘scandal’ of the legendary reporter Helen Thomas and her resignation… over speaking an opinion… yet no one fires Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Sara Palin… and those clowns have no integrity whatsoever… nor would they ever resign… even under the most damning of personal scandals… or proven outrageous and inflammatory comments and misinformation.
…and with Uranus parked at 0 degree Aries, more saber rattling and threats as North Korea threaten they could, “Turn Seoul into a sea of flame.”
…and as I have often opined in this column… all of these wars and war tension are really just orchestrated big and very profitable business, as Russia is now being investigated for dealing nuclear items to Iran shipped through Germany and Dubai
…and Turkey stirs the boiling pot of political madness some more, calling for a jihad against Israel,
…and the stock market churns in a 400 point range around the 10,000 level …rally or fall? …at this point my call of 8500 DJIA by the end of August seems very possible …we shall see.
…so …with the wheeling and dealing of weapons and oil and lies and the world wide mess they create …we all continue to slog along as best we can.
…and of course these transits are not helping the BP oil spill problems.
The Mars and Neptune (war and violence at sea) aspect also relates to the on going confrontations between Israel and Turkey and the aid flotillas to Gaza… and the ‘scandal’ of the legendary reporter Helen Thomas and her resignation… over speaking an opinion… yet no one fires Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Sara Palin… and those clowns have no integrity whatsoever… nor would they ever resign… even under the most damning of personal scandals… or proven outrageous and inflammatory comments and misinformation.
…and with Uranus parked at 0 degree Aries, more saber rattling and threats as North Korea threaten they could, “Turn Seoul into a sea of flame.”
…and as I have often opined in this column… all of these wars and war tension are really just orchestrated big and very profitable business, as Russia is now being investigated for dealing nuclear items to Iran shipped through Germany and Dubai
…and Turkey stirs the boiling pot of political madness some more, calling for a jihad against Israel,
…and the stock market churns in a 400 point range around the 10,000 level …rally or fall? …at this point my call of 8500 DJIA by the end of August seems very possible …we shall see.
…so …with the wheeling and dealing of weapons and oil and lies and the world wide mess they create …we all continue to slog along as best we can.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Most of the really violent things happened yesterday, like a gas pipeline blowing up in Texas (again stress of Mars opposite Neptune)
…and one in Pennsylvania might explode,
…Past and current Neptune scandals …and blind justice? Two year sentences? …25 years after the crime, and India is still cleaning up the mess,,0,2008744.story
“India convicts 7 in 1984 Bhopal gas disaster”
…more Goldman corruption revealed,
“Goldman Subpoenaed by FCIC After Panel Says Firm Hindered Probe”
…and the violence and wars go on,
“10 NATO Soldiers Die in Afghanistan”
…and I’ve been looking for this one, the Mars/Neptune/Uranus aspects of assassination… attempts, and threats,
“2 men charged with threatening Rep. Bart Stupak”
Strikes are ruled by Uranus… and Uranus at 0 degree of Aries can mean angry workers… welcome to capitalism, dear China,
“Honda Hit by Second Strike in China”
…tense times …be alert and try and stay out of harm’s way…
…and one in Pennsylvania might explode,
…Past and current Neptune scandals …and blind justice? Two year sentences? …25 years after the crime, and India is still cleaning up the mess,,0,2008744.story
“India convicts 7 in 1984 Bhopal gas disaster”
…more Goldman corruption revealed,
“Goldman Subpoenaed by FCIC After Panel Says Firm Hindered Probe”
…and the violence and wars go on,
“10 NATO Soldiers Die in Afghanistan”
…and I’ve been looking for this one, the Mars/Neptune/Uranus aspects of assassination… attempts, and threats,
“2 men charged with threatening Rep. Bart Stupak”
Strikes are ruled by Uranus… and Uranus at 0 degree of Aries can mean angry workers… welcome to capitalism, dear China,
“Honda Hit by Second Strike in China”
…tense times …be alert and try and stay out of harm’s way…
Monday, June 7, 2010
“Heavy storms kill at least 5, ruin homes in Ohio”
In the predictions post of May 29th I mentioned the probability of severe storms during the month of June… which is indicated with the opposition between transiting Saturn and Uranus… which is joined now by transiting Jupiter conjunct with Uranus.
This mundane event and chart are classic examples of using what I refer to as simple keyword ‘A,B,C astrology’ for mundane world predictions …using the classic astrology reference book by Rex E. Bills, THE RULERSHIP BOOK, which lists alphabetically various mundane events, attitudes, actions, etc. and what particular planets, signs, houses influence or ‘rule’ those subjects.
Let’s explore the basic aspect of influence in this mundane event chart of the 11 PM tornado that struck the small town of Millbury Ohio, Saturday night. This would be the almost exact approaching opposition (which creates the maximum stress) of Uranus at 0 degree of Aries to transiting Saturn at almost 28 degrees of Virgo (2 degrees of separation with a 6 degree orb allowance of influence) In the dictionary chapter of everyday mundane words we find;
“severity = Saturn, Pluto” …and “tornadoes = Uranus” = severe tornado
Even the actual ‘headline’ words selected by the author of the article is laced with the influences, “Heavy storms…” in the RULERSHIP BOOK, “heavy things = Saturn” and “ruins = Saturn, Pluto” …and deaths = Pluto, Saturn, Mars…
An opposition is a stressful aspect that literally… separates, pulls apart …and as seen in the photo of the man standing in the stair well of his storm cellar …that’s exactly what happened …the tornado separated his entire house from its foundation.
You will note Pluto is a co-ruler in “severity, and death”… and transiting Pluto is within a 6 degree orb allowance at 4 degrees of Capricorn which squares both Saturn and Uranus, thus is also another powerful stress influence within the on going stressful Saturn/Uranus/Pluto ‘T-Bar’ that has brought us so much stress world wide for the past six months and will continue to do so throughout this year… add to that the current transiting Jupiter conjunct to the Uranus side of the ‘T-Bar’…and now the tensions are simply increased due to the expansive influence of Jupiter.
…and the ‘Trigger’ of the event …at 11:00 PM the transiting Moon conjuncts the Jupiter/Uranus/Aries cusp conjunction side of the stressful ‘T-Bar’ at 28-29 degrees of Pisces and 0 degree Aries… and the Moon represents ‘the populace’ …and the small town of 1200 people, of Millbury, Ohio… experienced a sudden severe and tragic event.
There are other stressful aspects as well, such as Mars Inconjunct the Jupiter/Uranus point and Saturn Inconjunct to Neptune… and another ‘T-Bar’ of Mars opposition Neptune and squared by the focal planet of Mercury is forming… and other more complex aspects like the parallels (similar in influence as conjuncts and oppositions) of the 28-29 degree of sign locations for the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Lilth Moon (calamity), and the Part of Fortune (or misfortune)… and the last dwad (2½ degree segment, 27½, 28, 29) of all signs is the ‘power’ point of that sign.
…various combinations of these stressful aspects continue to transit almost everyday throughout the remainder of June… check your kits.
[click chart for details]

Saturday, June 5, 2010
We have seen in past months how powerful a ‘Yod’ formation can be as a trigger for seemingly fateful events… with astounding accuracy. This one involves the transiting Moon, thus it will be a short one day window for its influence to manifest. However, it occurs simultaneously with other significant transits that day… and thus can be the ‘trigger’ for events influenced by other aspects. Here’s the chart for 8 AM, New York, NY, Tuesday May 8, 2010;

[click chart for details]
The ‘Yod’ looks like the green arrow head pointer that points to Saturn at 28 degrees of Virgo. Saturn equates to ‘hardship, burdens, debt, karma due, etc’ …but what sort of ‘hard times’?
The ‘trigger’ Moon is at 28 degrees of Aries (Fire sign, Mars ruled = force, natural or martial) around 7-8 AM which sextiles Neptune (water, ships, fraud, scandal, assassination, lies) at 28 degrees of Aquarius (Air sign, Uranus ruled = sudden, shock, change) and they both make an Inconjunct to Saturn at 28 degrees of Virgo (Earth sign, ruled by Mercury = information, transportation, communication, practical)
Hurricane, tornado, storm scenarios = The Moon at the power point of Aries gives the aspect tremendous force. Neptune (water) in Aquarius (Air) = water, humidity + forceful air = hurricane, tornado, tropical storm… both pointing to Saturn in Virgo (Earth, Mercury ruled) = news (Mercury… and the focal point in the 3rd House of communications) of hardships on earth (earth sign). Also, the hypothetical point of Lilth Moon, an aspect of ‘calamity’ is conjunct Neptune… and both in the 8th House (deaths) at that time. Also with the focal point in Virgo… there could be more problems with the oil spill cleanup (Virgo activity… and Saturn a tremendous burden).
The ‘Yod’ can also point to news of other calamities… as there are a number of stressful aspects that day.
A very significant exact conjunction of transiting Jupiter (abundance, excess, expansion, wasteful) to Uranus at 0 degrees of Aries which INCREASES the sudden force of Uranus… all in Mars ruled Aries… which charges and activates the on going and orb tightening stressful ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn/Uranus/Pluto. The focal planet of the ‘T-Bar’ is Pluto in Capricorn… another earth sign, thus tremendous stress of Saturn square Pluto in earth signs with sudden force = Earthquakes, a very possible series of 5M+ quakes world wide… and or possible mining accidents again.
Volcano activity is also very possible as the sudden force of the Jupiter/Uranus (volcano) conjunction in Aries (sudden eruption) opposed to Saturn (rules earth, and ice) sets off the second Iceland volcano that’s been building in pressure… or reactivates the current one… and or new activity throughout the hot volcanoes world wide.
With the current international tensions… North and South Korea… and now Turkey and Israel over the relief flotilla, and now with an Irish relief ship on the way to Gaza… there can be navel confrontations and skirmishes again with the Mars Neptune opposition still in orb… and the ‘T-Bar’ focal planet of Pluto… in the 6th House = military… there could be land war and of course increased terrorist bombings…
Usually a ‘Grand Trine’ is considered a beneficial aspect… one of great ease and opportunity… However, on the 8th the transiting Moon trines Mars and Pluto… the trigger Moon and the power planets of Mars and Pluto in a grand trine may simply make whatever the events are… easier to happen.
On the more positive and long term side… with Jupiter Uranus conjunction there can be expansive and very innovative breakthroughs in discoveries and research… and new forms of value… perhaps a new world currency backed by something of value…
…after the impending world wide financial melt down, which also would also fit in this ‘fateful’ scenario… another -300 point drop occurred today… with the DJIA closing below 10,000 …with perhaps another sudden drop in the DJIA on the 8th.
…and another, significant aspect of the 8th is the conjunction of transiting Mercury to the fixed star, Algol… at 25 degrees of Taurus… in ancient astrology… and onto this day, Algol has a nasty rep… sort of a, ‘something wicked… this way comes’ signal.
…hopefully, other choices will be made …and the trines and sextiles of the day will neutralize and level out the influence of the oppositions and squares… and I’ll be wrong about all of this… and it’s just sort of a… ‘ho, hum,’ day…
I would not mind playing the fool on this day…
…this is definitely a day to check one’s kit …and one’s stock market stop-sell orders …and be on guard …and ready to duck.

[click chart for details]
The ‘Yod’ looks like the green arrow head pointer that points to Saturn at 28 degrees of Virgo. Saturn equates to ‘hardship, burdens, debt, karma due, etc’ …but what sort of ‘hard times’?
The ‘trigger’ Moon is at 28 degrees of Aries (Fire sign, Mars ruled = force, natural or martial) around 7-8 AM which sextiles Neptune (water, ships, fraud, scandal, assassination, lies) at 28 degrees of Aquarius (Air sign, Uranus ruled = sudden, shock, change) and they both make an Inconjunct to Saturn at 28 degrees of Virgo (Earth sign, ruled by Mercury = information, transportation, communication, practical)
Hurricane, tornado, storm scenarios = The Moon at the power point of Aries gives the aspect tremendous force. Neptune (water) in Aquarius (Air) = water, humidity + forceful air = hurricane, tornado, tropical storm… both pointing to Saturn in Virgo (Earth, Mercury ruled) = news (Mercury… and the focal point in the 3rd House of communications) of hardships on earth (earth sign). Also, the hypothetical point of Lilth Moon, an aspect of ‘calamity’ is conjunct Neptune… and both in the 8th House (deaths) at that time. Also with the focal point in Virgo… there could be more problems with the oil spill cleanup (Virgo activity… and Saturn a tremendous burden).
The ‘Yod’ can also point to news of other calamities… as there are a number of stressful aspects that day.
A very significant exact conjunction of transiting Jupiter (abundance, excess, expansion, wasteful) to Uranus at 0 degrees of Aries which INCREASES the sudden force of Uranus… all in Mars ruled Aries… which charges and activates the on going and orb tightening stressful ‘T-Bar’ of Saturn/Uranus/Pluto. The focal planet of the ‘T-Bar’ is Pluto in Capricorn… another earth sign, thus tremendous stress of Saturn square Pluto in earth signs with sudden force = Earthquakes, a very possible series of 5M+ quakes world wide… and or possible mining accidents again.
Volcano activity is also very possible as the sudden force of the Jupiter/Uranus (volcano) conjunction in Aries (sudden eruption) opposed to Saturn (rules earth, and ice) sets off the second Iceland volcano that’s been building in pressure… or reactivates the current one… and or new activity throughout the hot volcanoes world wide.
With the current international tensions… North and South Korea… and now Turkey and Israel over the relief flotilla, and now with an Irish relief ship on the way to Gaza… there can be navel confrontations and skirmishes again with the Mars Neptune opposition still in orb… and the ‘T-Bar’ focal planet of Pluto… in the 6th House = military… there could be land war and of course increased terrorist bombings…
Usually a ‘Grand Trine’ is considered a beneficial aspect… one of great ease and opportunity… However, on the 8th the transiting Moon trines Mars and Pluto… the trigger Moon and the power planets of Mars and Pluto in a grand trine may simply make whatever the events are… easier to happen.
On the more positive and long term side… with Jupiter Uranus conjunction there can be expansive and very innovative breakthroughs in discoveries and research… and new forms of value… perhaps a new world currency backed by something of value…
…after the impending world wide financial melt down, which also would also fit in this ‘fateful’ scenario… another -300 point drop occurred today… with the DJIA closing below 10,000 …with perhaps another sudden drop in the DJIA on the 8th.
…and another, significant aspect of the 8th is the conjunction of transiting Mercury to the fixed star, Algol… at 25 degrees of Taurus… in ancient astrology… and onto this day, Algol has a nasty rep… sort of a, ‘something wicked… this way comes’ signal.
…hopefully, other choices will be made …and the trines and sextiles of the day will neutralize and level out the influence of the oppositions and squares… and I’ll be wrong about all of this… and it’s just sort of a… ‘ho, hum,’ day…
I would not mind playing the fool on this day…
…this is definitely a day to check one’s kit …and one’s stock market stop-sell orders …and be on guard …and ready to duck.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Star of “GOSSIP GIRLS”, Chace Crawford is arrested in Plano, Texas for marijuana possession,,,20391272,00.html
…Chace …dude!? …why are you hanging out in unfriendly pot territory like …Plano, Texas? …either you’re in love …and or …she must be really hot?
…pay the fine …and get outa there, dude …come home to Lalaland… where you have your legal prescription card… not to worry, she’ll follow you …buy her a train ticket.,,20391272,00.html
…Chace …dude!? …why are you hanging out in unfriendly pot territory like …Plano, Texas? …either you’re in love …and or …she must be really hot?
…pay the fine …and get outa there, dude …come home to Lalaland… where you have your legal prescription card… not to worry, she’ll follow you …buy her a train ticket.
In the midst of all the ballyhoo over the swine flu last season… I repeatedly pointed out the abundant hype and fraud aspects involving the Neptune aspects transiting at the time… indicating possible fraud and hype… and now the link of the hype and the connection to the drug companies that profited enormously… from a ‘pandemic scare’… that in reality resulted in a rather average flu season fatality rate… is beginning to emerge under the scandal revealing influence of the current Mars (probing) opposition to Neptune (fraud, lies, collusion, bribes, etc),
“Reports accuse WHO of exaggerating H1N1 threat, possible ties to drug makers”
…sometimes that is the purpose of stressful aspects …to get at the painful truth …we, the everyday folks, were conned again …and the drug companies made a bundle …and the hype team of the WHO and various researchers got some fat cash grants.
This greed and corruption is part of what needs to come crumbling down in our current culture… and the current and future stressful transits will bring it about… willy, nilly…
“Reports accuse WHO of exaggerating H1N1 threat, possible ties to drug makers”
…sometimes that is the purpose of stressful aspects …to get at the painful truth …we, the everyday folks, were conned again …and the drug companies made a bundle …and the hype team of the WHO and various researchers got some fat cash grants.
This greed and corruption is part of what needs to come crumbling down in our current culture… and the current and future stressful transits will bring it about… willy, nilly…
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Ironically, once again I have to go to another country’s newspaper to get to some real facts… there is an equal and on going oil spill mess in Africa’s Niger Delta… that’s been virtually ignored by the controlled media outlets,
Activist Ben Amunwa, of the London-based oil watch group Platform, said: "Deepwater Horizon may have exceeded Exxon Valdez, but within a few years in Nigeria offshore spills from four locations dwarfed the scale of the Exxon Valdez disaster many times over. Estimates put spill volumes in the Niger delta among the worst on the planet, but they do not include the crude oil from waste water and gas flares. Companies such as Shell continue to avoid independent monitoring and keep key data secret."
…and as predicted, it is being revealed in the Mars opposition to Neptune transits (Neptune = oil, scandal, fraud, cover up… and Mars = drilling)…
…and the country of Brazil has driven their cars on sugar cane refined gasoline for a couple of decades now. There are other ways and choices… responsible world leaders and law makers would demand it… today! …and that’s the problem, world leaders continue to sell out to the oil cartels of the world… and their greed may destroy us all.
Activist Ben Amunwa, of the London-based oil watch group Platform, said: "Deepwater Horizon may have exceeded Exxon Valdez, but within a few years in Nigeria offshore spills from four locations dwarfed the scale of the Exxon Valdez disaster many times over. Estimates put spill volumes in the Niger delta among the worst on the planet, but they do not include the crude oil from waste water and gas flares. Companies such as Shell continue to avoid independent monitoring and keep key data secret."
…and as predicted, it is being revealed in the Mars opposition to Neptune transits (Neptune = oil, scandal, fraud, cover up… and Mars = drilling)…
…and the country of Brazil has driven their cars on sugar cane refined gasoline for a couple of decades now. There are other ways and choices… responsible world leaders and law makers would demand it… today! …and that’s the problem, world leaders continue to sell out to the oil cartels of the world… and their greed may destroy us all.
This is a cut and paste quote from June 3, 2010, Google news page,
“Markets Fret, but Chance of Big Bank Crash Slim.”
This comes from the Peacock… NBC… an alleged credible source… one of the same who gave us the ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ lies and propaganda.
I guess they didn’t notice… or bother to research the fact that 78 banks have failed thus far this year… an average of 13 per month and a bank every 2-3 days… goes belly up.
I predict that more banks will fail… and a ‘Big One’… or two… as the ‘Grand Cross’ of the 26th… and the developing stressful transits on through August brings more major drops in the markets. My stock market prognostications haven’t been as accurate as I would like… because it’s hard to figure accurate numbers in a ‘rigged game’… however, I did get the ‘rigged’ part right.
If the market rallies to 10,500 and then sags to 10,000 that will be the right and final shoulder of a classic ‘Head and Shoulders’ daily bar chart formation that has been gradually building since November of 2009… indicating a potential major correction and or crash.
If you’re in the equity markets have your protective ‘stop-loss’ orders in place… and pray that the computer algorithmic programmed market robots give you a decent fill of your order… before they ‘glitch’ and crash… in what may be another 3 minute 1000 point drop market…
I predict a return to 8500, maybe lower… by the end of August… with a major bank failing…
…we shall see… look for an update on this article…
“Markets Fret, but Chance of Big Bank Crash Slim.”
This comes from the Peacock… NBC… an alleged credible source… one of the same who gave us the ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ lies and propaganda.
I guess they didn’t notice… or bother to research the fact that 78 banks have failed thus far this year… an average of 13 per month and a bank every 2-3 days… goes belly up.
I predict that more banks will fail… and a ‘Big One’… or two… as the ‘Grand Cross’ of the 26th… and the developing stressful transits on through August brings more major drops in the markets. My stock market prognostications haven’t been as accurate as I would like… because it’s hard to figure accurate numbers in a ‘rigged game’… however, I did get the ‘rigged’ part right.
If the market rallies to 10,500 and then sags to 10,000 that will be the right and final shoulder of a classic ‘Head and Shoulders’ daily bar chart formation that has been gradually building since November of 2009… indicating a potential major correction and or crash.
If you’re in the equity markets have your protective ‘stop-loss’ orders in place… and pray that the computer algorithmic programmed market robots give you a decent fill of your order… before they ‘glitch’ and crash… in what may be another 3 minute 1000 point drop market…
I predict a return to 8500, maybe lower… by the end of August… with a major bank failing…
…we shall see… look for an update on this article…
The first couple of days of the month and we’ve got celebrity news and scandal, with the alcohol related death of Ted Koppel’s son… Charlie Sheen will probably serve a 30 day jail sentence for assault on his wife last year… and Al and Tipper Gore are separating.
Israel’s raid (Mars) on the relief flotilla to Gaza (Neptune) fits in the influence of Mars opposition to Neptune, war and or violence on the seas… still ongoing problems with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico… volcano activity and serious tropical storm in Central America… a peace conference begins with a Taliban rocket and terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan… more political corruption as the former GOP chairman, Jim Greer, is arrested on unknown charges… Japan’s PM resigns over the issues of the US Military bases there…
…and shocking random violence as a self employed taxi driver goes on a shooting rampage killing 5 and wounding others in the Lakes district of Great Britain (Uranus at 0 degree of Aries – sudden, shocking, violent)… and corporate scandal as President Obama says BP may face criminal charges over the disastrous oil spill…
…The sources for all this is the Google News site the past two days.
It may go this way daily for most of the month… with exceptionally tense and violent days as the transiting Moon conjuncts, squares, and makes oppositions to the planets involved in the on going ‘T-Bar’ on the Cardinal points of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. Uranus at the Cusp of Aries opposed to Saturn on the Cusp of Libra and both in square to Pluto at the cusp of Capricorn.
Let’s observe the results world wide as the transiting Moon contacts these Cardinal points thus activating these stressful energies more. The first occurs from the 4th through the 6th as the Moon transits over the cusp Aries. The second contact will be the 12th through 14th as the Moon crosses the Gemini/Cancer cusp. The third trigger point will be the 18th-19th as the Moon moves from Virgo to Libra… and the big red ‘X’ of the 26th as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and forms the ‘Grand Cross’ as discussed in the June predictions post of the 29th of May.
During these dates expect more of the so far mentioned… and more… check you kits…
Israel’s raid (Mars) on the relief flotilla to Gaza (Neptune) fits in the influence of Mars opposition to Neptune, war and or violence on the seas… still ongoing problems with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico… volcano activity and serious tropical storm in Central America… a peace conference begins with a Taliban rocket and terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan… more political corruption as the former GOP chairman, Jim Greer, is arrested on unknown charges… Japan’s PM resigns over the issues of the US Military bases there…
…and shocking random violence as a self employed taxi driver goes on a shooting rampage killing 5 and wounding others in the Lakes district of Great Britain (Uranus at 0 degree of Aries – sudden, shocking, violent)… and corporate scandal as President Obama says BP may face criminal charges over the disastrous oil spill…
…The sources for all this is the Google News site the past two days.
It may go this way daily for most of the month… with exceptionally tense and violent days as the transiting Moon conjuncts, squares, and makes oppositions to the planets involved in the on going ‘T-Bar’ on the Cardinal points of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. Uranus at the Cusp of Aries opposed to Saturn on the Cusp of Libra and both in square to Pluto at the cusp of Capricorn.
Let’s observe the results world wide as the transiting Moon contacts these Cardinal points thus activating these stressful energies more. The first occurs from the 4th through the 6th as the Moon transits over the cusp Aries. The second contact will be the 12th through 14th as the Moon crosses the Gemini/Cancer cusp. The third trigger point will be the 18th-19th as the Moon moves from Virgo to Libra… and the big red ‘X’ of the 26th as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and forms the ‘Grand Cross’ as discussed in the June predictions post of the 29th of May.
During these dates expect more of the so far mentioned… and more… check you kits…
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